.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
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Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. _wx.GraphicsPath:
|phoenix_title| **wx.GraphicsPath**
A :ref:`wx.GraphicsPath` is a native representation of a geometric path.
The contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are reference counted and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid instance is by using :meth:`wx.GraphicsContext.CreatePath` or :meth:`wx.GraphicsRenderer.CreatePath` .
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddArc` Adds an arc of a circle.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddArcToPoint` Adds an arc (of a circle with radius `r`) that is tangent to the line connecting current point and (`x1`, `y1`) and to the line connecting (`x1`, `y1`) and (`x2`, `y2`).
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddCircle` Appends a circle around (`x`,`y`) with radius `r` as a new closed subpath.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddCurveToPoint` Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control points and an end point.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddEllipse` Appends an ellipse fitting into the passed in rectangle as a new closed subpath.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddLineToPoint` Adds a straight line from the current point to (`x`,`y`).
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddPath` Adds another path onto the current path.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddQuadCurveToPoint` Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the current point, using a control point and an end point.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddRectangle` Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.AddRoundedRectangle` Appends a rounded rectangle as a new closed subpath.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.CloseSubpath` Closes the current sub-path.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetBox` Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points).
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetCurrentPoint` Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetNativePath` Returns the native path (CGPathRef for Core Graphics, Path pointer for GDIPlus and a cairo_path_t pointer for cairo).
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.MoveToPoint` Begins a new subpath at (`x`,`y`).
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.Transform` Transforms each point of this path by the matrix.
:meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.UnGetNativePath` Gives back the native path returned by :meth:`~GraphicsPath.GetNativePath` because there might be some deallocations necessary (e.g.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|property_summary| Properties Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:attr:`~wx.GraphicsPath.Box` See :meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetBox`
:attr:`~wx.GraphicsPath.CurrentPoint` See :meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetCurrentPoint`
:attr:`~wx.GraphicsPath.NativePath` See :meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetNativePath`
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: wx.GraphicsPath(GraphicsObject)
A GraphicsPath is a native representation of a geometric path.
.. method:: AddArc(self, *args, **kw)
Adds an arc of a circle.
The circle is defined by the coordinates of its centre (`x`, `y`) or `c` and its radius `r`. The arc goes from the starting angle `startAngle` to `endAngle` either clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the value of `clockwise` argument.
The angles are measured in radians but, contrary to the usual mathematical convention, are always `clockwise` from the horizontal axis.
If for clockwise arc `endAngle` is less than `startAngle` it will be progressively increased by 2pi until it is greater than `startAngle`. If for counter-clockwise arc `endAngle` is greater than `startAngle` it will be progressively decreased by 2pi until it is less than `startAngle`.
If there is a current point set, an initial line segment will be added to the path to connect the current point to the beginning of the arc.
|overload| **Overloaded Implementations:**
**AddArc** `(self, x : float, y : float, r : float, startAngle : float, endAngle : float, clockwise : bool)`
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:param `r`:
:type `r`: wx.Double
:param `startAngle`:
:type `startAngle`: wx.Double
:param `endAngle`:
:type `endAngle`: wx.Double
:param `clockwise`:
:type `clockwise`: bool
:rtype: `None`
**AddArc** `(self, c : Point2D, r : float, startAngle : float, endAngle : float, clockwise : bool)`
:param `c`:
:type `c`: wx.Point2D
:param `r`:
:type `r`: wx.Double
:param `startAngle`:
:type `startAngle`: wx.Double
:param `endAngle`:
:type `endAngle`: wx.Double
:param `clockwise`:
:type `clockwise`: bool
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddArcToPoint(self, x1 : float, y1 : float, x2 : float, y2 : float, r : float)
Adds an arc (of a circle with radius `r`) that is tangent to the line connecting current point and (`x1`, `y1`) and to the line connecting (`x1`, `y1`) and (`x2`, `y2`).
If the current point and the starting point of the arc are different, a straight line connecting these points is also appended. If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`AddArcToPoint` this function will behave as if preceded by a call to MoveToPoint(0, 0). After this call the current point will be at the ending point of the arc.
.. figure:: _static/images/overviews/drawing-addarctopoint.png
:align: center
:param `x1`:
:type `x1`: wx.Double
:param `y1`:
:type `y1`: wx.Double
:param `x2`:
:type `x2`: wx.Double
:param `y2`:
:type `y2`: wx.Double
:param `r`:
:type `r`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddCircle(self, x : float, y : float, r : float)
Appends a circle around (`x`,`y`) with radius `r` as a new closed subpath.
After this call the current point will be at ( `x+` `r` `,` `y`).
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:param `r`:
:type `r`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddCurveToPoint(self, *args, **kw)
|overload| **Overloaded Implementations:**
**AddCurveToPoint** `(self, cx1 : float, cy1 : float, cx2 : float, cy2 : float, x : float, y : float)`
Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control points and an end point.
If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`AddCurveToPoint` this function will behave as if preceded by a call to MoveToPoint(`cx1`, `cy1`).
:param `cx1`:
:type `cx1`: wx.Double
:param `cy1`:
:type `cy1`: wx.Double
:param `cx2`:
:type `cx2`: wx.Double
:param `cy2`:
:type `cy2`: wx.Double
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
**AddCurveToPoint** `(self, c1 : Point2D, c2 : Point2D, e : Point2D)`
Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control points and an end point.
If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`AddCurveToPoint` this function will behave as if preceded by a call to MoveToPoint(`c1`).
:param `c1`:
:type `c1`: wx.Point2D
:param `c2`:
:type `c2`: wx.Point2D
:param `e`:
:type `e`: wx.Point2D
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddEllipse(self, x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float)
Appends an ellipse fitting into the passed in rectangle as a new closed subpath.
After this call the current point will be at ( `x+` `w` `,` `y+` `h/2` `)` .
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:param `w`:
:type `w`: wx.Double
:param `h`:
:type `h`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddLineToPoint(self, *args, **kw)
|overload| **Overloaded Implementations:**
**AddLineToPoint** `(self, x : float, y : float)`
Adds a straight line from the current point to (`x`,`y`).
If current point is not yet set before the call to :meth:`AddLineToPoint` this function will behave as :meth:`MoveToPoint` .
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
**AddLineToPoint** `(self, p : Point2D)`
Adds a straight line from the current point to `p`.
If current point is not yet set before the call to :meth:`AddLineToPoint` this function will behave as :meth:`MoveToPoint` .
:param `p`:
:type `p`: wx.Point2D
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddPath(self, path : GraphicsPath)
Adds another path onto the current path.
After this call the current point will be at the added path's current point. For Direct2D the path being appended shouldn't contain a started non-empty subpath when this function is called.
:param `path`:
:type `path`: wx.GraphicsPath
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddQuadCurveToPoint(self, cx : float, cy : float, x : float, y : float)
Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the current point, using a control point and an end point.
If there is no current point before the call to :meth:`AddQuadCurveToPoint` this function will behave as if preceded by a call to MoveToPoint(`cx`, `cy`).
:param `cx`:
:type `cx`: wx.Double
:param `cy`:
:type `cy`: wx.Double
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddRectangle(self, x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float)
Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath.
After this call the current point will be at (`x`, `y`).
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:param `w`:
:type `w`: wx.Double
:param `h`:
:type `h`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: AddRoundedRectangle(self, x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float, radius : float)
Appends a rounded rectangle as a new closed subpath.
If `radius` equals 0 this function will behave as :meth:`AddRectangle` , otherwise after this call the current point will be at ( `x+` `w` `,` `y+` `h/2` `)` .
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:param `w`:
:type `w`: wx.Double
:param `h`:
:type `h`: wx.Double
:param `radius`:
:type `radius`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: CloseSubpath(self)
Closes the current sub-path.
After this call the current point will be at the joined endpoint of the sub-path.
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: Contains(self, *args, **kw)
``True`` if the point is within the path.
|overload| **Overloaded Implementations:**
**Contains** `(self, c : Point2D, fillStyle: PolygonFillMode=ODDEVEN_RULE)`
:param `c`:
:type `c`: wx.Point2D
:param `fillStyle`:
:type `fillStyle`: wx.PolygonFillMode
:rtype: `bool`
**Contains** `(self, x : float, y : float, fillStyle: PolygonFillMode=ODDEVEN_RULE)`
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:param `fillStyle`:
:type `fillStyle`: wx.PolygonFillMode
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: GetBox(self)
Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points).
:rtype: :ref:`wx.Rect2D`
.. method:: GetCurrentPoint(self)
Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.
:rtype: :ref:`wx.Point2D`
.. method:: GetNativePath(self)
Returns the native path (CGPathRef for Core Graphics, Path pointer for GDIPlus and a cairo_path_t pointer for cairo).
:rtype: `Any`
.. method:: MoveToPoint(self, *args, **kw)
|overload| **Overloaded Implementations:**
**MoveToPoint** `(self, x : float, y : float)`
Begins a new subpath at (`x`,`y`).
:param `x`:
:type `x`: wx.Double
:param `y`:
:type `y`: wx.Double
:rtype: `None`
**MoveToPoint** `(self, p : Point2D)`
Begins a new subpath at `p`.
:param `p`:
:type `p`: wx.Point2D
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: Transform(self, matrix : GraphicsMatrix)
Transforms each point of this path by the matrix.
For Direct2D the current path shouldn't contain a started non-empty subpath when this function is called.
:param `matrix`:
:type `matrix`: wx.GraphicsMatrix
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: UnGetNativePath(self, p : Any)
Gives back the native path returned by :meth:`GetNativePath` because there might be some deallocations necessary (e.g.
on cairo the native path returned by :meth:`GetNativePath` is newly allocated each time).
:param `p`:
:rtype: `None`
.. attribute:: Box
See :meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetBox`
.. attribute:: CurrentPoint
See :meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetCurrentPoint`
.. attribute:: NativePath
See :meth:`~wx.GraphicsPath.GetNativePath`