.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. _wx.Object: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.Object** ========================================================================================================================================== This is the root class of many of the wxWidgets classes. It declares a virtual destructor which ensures that destructors get called for all derived class objects where necessary. :ref:`wx.Object` is the hub of a dynamic object creation scheme, enabling a program to create instances of a class only knowing its string class name, and to query the class hierarchy. The class contains optional debugging versions of **new** and **delete**, which can help trace memory allocation and deallocation problems. :ref:`wx.Object` can be used to implement :ref:`reference counted ` objects, such as :ref:`wx.Pen`, :ref:`wx.Bitmap` and others (see :ref:`this list `). See :ref:`wx.RefCounter` and :ref:`Reference Counting ` for more info about reference counting. .. seealso:: :ref:`wx.ClassInfo`, `Debugging` , :ref:`Reference Counting `, ObjectDataRef, `wx.ObjectDataPtr` | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class Object:
| |sub_classes| Known Subclasses ============================== :ref:`wx.AcceleratorTable`, :ref:`wx.Accessible`, :ref:`wx.adv.Animation`, `ArchiveClassFactory` , `ArchiveEntry` , :ref:`wx.ArtProvider`, `AutomationObject` , `wx.BitmapHandler` , `Client` , :ref:`wx.Clipboard`, :ref:`wx.Colour`, :ref:`wx.ColourData`, :ref:`wx.propgrid.ColourPropertyValue`, :ref:`wx.Command`, :ref:`wx.CommandProcessor`, :ref:`wx.ConfigBase`, `Connection` , `ConnectionBase` , :ref:`wx.ContextHelp`, :ref:`wx.DC`, `DDEClient` , :ref:`wx.dataview.DataViewIconText`, :ref:`wx.dataview.DataViewRenderer`, `DocTemplate` , :ref:`wx.DragImage`, `EncodingConverter` , :ref:`wx.Event`, :ref:`wx.EvtHandler`, :ref:`wx.FSFile`, :ref:`wx.FileHistory`, :ref:`wx.FileSystem`, :ref:`wx.FileSystemHandler`, `FilterClassFactory` , :ref:`wx.FindReplaceData`, :ref:`wx.FontData`, :ref:`wx.GDIObject`, :ref:`wx.glcanvas.GLContext`, :ref:`wx.GraphicsObject`, :ref:`wx.GraphicsRenderer`, :ref:`wx.grid.GridTableBase`, `HashTable` , :ref:`wx.HelpControllerBase`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlCell`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlDCRenderer`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlEasyPrinting`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlFilter`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlHelpData`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlLinkInfo`, :ref:`wx.html.HtmlTagHandler`, :ref:`wx.Image`, :ref:`wx.ImageHandler`, :ref:`wx.ImageList`, :ref:`wx.IndividualLayoutConstraint`, :ref:`wx.adv.Joystick`, :ref:`wx.adv.LayoutAlgorithm`, :ref:`wx.LayoutConstraints`, :ref:`wx.ListItem`, :ref:`wx.Mask`, :ref:`wx.MenuItem`, :ref:`wx.Metafile`, `Module` , :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGCell`, :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGEditor`, :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGEditorDialogAdapter`, :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGProperty`, :ref:`wx.PageSetupDialog`, :ref:`wx.PageSetupDialogData`, :ref:`wx.PrintData`, :ref:`wx.PrintDialog`, :ref:`wx.PrintDialogData`, :ref:`wx.PrintPreview`, :ref:`wx.Printer`, :ref:`wx.Printout`, `Quantize` , :ref:`wx.RegionIterator`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextAction`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingHandler`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextFieldType`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextFileHandler`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextFontTable`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextFormattingDialogFactory`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextHeaderFooterData`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextImageBlock`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextObject`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextPrinting`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextProperties`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextRenderer`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextStyleDefinition`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextStyleSheet`, :ref:`wx.Sizer`, :ref:`wx.SizerItem`, `SockAddress` , `SocketBase` , :ref:`wx.adv.Sound`, `StringTokenizer` , :ref:`wx.SystemOptions`, `TCPClient` , `TCPConnection` , `TCPServer` , :ref:`wx.ToolBarToolBase`, :ref:`wx.ToolTip`, `URI` , `Variant` , :ref:`wx.html2.WebViewFactory`, :ref:`wx.xml.XmlDocument`, :ref:`wx.xrc.XmlResource`, :ref:`wx.xrc.XmlResourceHandler` | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.Object.__init__` Default constructor; initializes to ``None`` the internal reference data. :meth:`~wx.Object.Destroy` Deletes the C++ object this Python object is a proxy for. :meth:`~wx.Object.GetClassInfo` This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the ``DECLARE_CLASS`` macro (or similar). :meth:`~wx.Object.GetClassName` Returns the class name of the C++ class using ``RTTI``. :meth:`~wx.Object.GetRefData` Returns the ``Object.m_refData`` pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. :meth:`~wx.Object.IsSameAs` Returns ``True`` if this object has the same data pointer as `obj`. :meth:`~wx.Object.Ref` Makes this object refer to the data in `clone`. :meth:`~wx.Object.SetRefData` Sets the ``Object.m_refData`` pointer. :meth:`~wx.Object.UnRef` Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. :meth:`~wx.Object.UnShare` This is the same of :meth:`~Object.AllocExclusive` but this method is public. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |property_summary| Properties Summary ===================================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :attr:`~wx.Object.ClassInfo` See :meth:`~wx.Object.GetClassInfo` :attr:`~wx.Object.ClassName` See :meth:`~wx.Object.GetClassName` :attr:`~wx.Object.RefData` See :meth:`~wx.Object.GetRefData` and :meth:`~wx.Object.SetRefData` ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: wx.Object(object) **Possible constructors**:: Object() -> None Object(other : Object) -> None This is the root class of many of the wxWidgets classes. .. method:: __init__(self, *args, **kw) |overload| **Overloaded Implementations:** :html:`

` **__init__** `(self)` Default constructor; initializes to ``None`` the internal reference data. :rtype: `None` :html:`

` **__init__** `(self, other : Object)` Copy constructor. Sets the internal ``Object.m_refData`` pointer to point to the same instance of the ObjectRefData-derived class pointed by ``other`` and increments the refcount of ``Object.m_refData``. :param `other`: :type `other`: wx.Object :rtype: `None` :html:`

` .. method:: Destroy(self) Deletes the C++ object this Python object is a proxy for. :rtype: `None` .. method:: GetClassInfo(self) This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the ``DECLARE_CLASS`` macro (or similar). :rtype: :ref:`wx.ClassInfo` .. method:: GetClassName(self) Returns the class name of the C++ class using ``RTTI``. :rtype: `str` .. method:: GetRefData(self) Returns the ``Object.m_refData`` pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. :rtype: `wx.ObjectRefData` .. seealso:: :meth:`Ref` , :meth:`UnRef` , ``Object.m_refData``, :meth:`SetRefData` , `wx.ObjectRefData` .. method:: IsSameAs(self, obj : Object) Returns ``True`` if this object has the same data pointer as `obj`. Notice that ``True`` is returned if the data pointers are ``None`` in both objects. This function only does a `shallow` comparison, i.e. it doesn't compare the objects pointed to by the data pointers of these objects. :param `obj`: :type `obj`: wx.Object :rtype: `bool` .. seealso:: :ref:`Reference Counting ` .. method:: Ref(self, clone : Object) Makes this object refer to the data in `clone`. :param `clone`: The object to 'clone'. :type `clone`: wx.Object :rtype: `None` .. note:: First this function calls :meth:`UnRef` on itself to decrement (and perhaps free) the data it is currently referring to. It then sets its own ``Object.m_refData`` to point to that of `clone`, and increments the reference count inside the data. .. seealso:: :meth:`UnRef` , :meth:`SetRefData` , :meth:`GetRefData` , `wx.ObjectRefData` .. method:: SetRefData(self, data : ObjectRefData) Sets the ``Object.m_refData`` pointer. :param `data`: :type `data`: wx.ObjectRefData :rtype: `None` .. seealso:: :meth:`Ref` , :meth:`UnRef` , :meth:`GetRefData` , `wx.ObjectRefData` .. method:: UnRef(self) Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. The ``Object.m_refData`` member is set to ``None``. :rtype: `None` .. seealso:: :meth:`Ref` , :meth:`SetRefData` , :meth:`GetRefData` , `wx.ObjectRefData` .. method:: UnShare(self) This is the same of :meth:`AllocExclusive` but this method is public. :rtype: `None` .. attribute:: ClassInfo See :meth:`~wx.Object.GetClassInfo` .. attribute:: ClassName See :meth:`~wx.Object.GetClassName` .. attribute:: RefData See :meth:`~wx.Object.GetRefData` and :meth:`~wx.Object.SetRefData`