.. module:: wx.grid .. include:: headings.inc ========================================================================= **wx.grid** ========================================================================= The Grid and related classes in this module provide functionality similar to a spreadsheet, where the application can display rows and columns of data of various types, which the user can edit and otherwise interact with. Class Summary ============= ================================================================================ ================================================================================ **Class** **Short Description** ================================================================================ ================================================================================ `~wx.grid.Grid` :ref:`wx.grid.Grid` and its related classes are used for displaying and editing tabular data. `~wx.grid.GridActivationResult` Represents the result of :meth:`wx.grid.GridCellEditor.TryActivate` . `~wx.grid.GridActivationSource` Represents a source of cell activation, which may be either a user event (mouse or keyboard) or the program itself. `~wx.grid.GridBlockCoords` Represents coordinates of a block of cells in the grid. `~wx.grid.GridBlockDiffResult` The helper struct uses as a result type for difference functions of :ref:`wx.grid.GridBlockCoords` class. `~wx.grid.GridBlocks` Represents a collection of grid blocks that can be iterated over. `~wx.grid.GridCellActivatableEditor` Base class for activatable editors. `~wx.grid.GridCellAttr` This class can be used to alter the cells' appearance in the grid by changing their attributes from the defaults. `~wx.grid.GridCellAttrProvider` Class providing attributes to be used for the grid cells. `~wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringEditor` Grid cell editor for wrappable string/text data. `~wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer` This class may be used to format string data in a cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellBoolEditor` Grid cell editor for boolean data. `~wx.grid.GridCellBoolRenderer` This class may be used to format boolean data in a cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor` Grid cell editor for string data providing the user a choice from a list of strings. `~wx.grid.GridCellCoords` Represents coordinates of a grid cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellDateEditor` Grid cell editor for dates. `~wx.grid.GridCellDateRenderer` This class may be used to show a date, without time, in a cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellDateTimeRenderer` This class may be used to format a date/time data in a cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellEditor` This class is responsible for providing and manipulating the in-place edit controls for the grid. `~wx.grid.GridCellEnumEditor` Grid cell editor which displays an enum number as a textual equivalent (e.g. `~wx.grid.GridCellEnumRenderer` This class may be used to render in a cell a number as a textual equivalent. `~wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor` The editor for floating point numbers data. `~wx.grid.GridCellFloatRenderer` This class may be used to format floating point data in a cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellNumberEditor` Grid cell editor for numeric integer data. `~wx.grid.GridCellNumberRenderer` This class may be used to format integer data in a cell. `~wx.grid.GridCellRenderer` This class is responsible for actually drawing the cell in the grid. `~wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer` This class may be used to format string data in a cell; it is the default for string cells. `~wx.grid.GridCellTextEditor` Grid cell editor for string/text data. `~wx.grid.GridColumnHeaderRenderer` Base class for column headers renderer. `~wx.grid.GridColumnHeaderRendererDefault` Default column header renderer. `~wx.grid.GridCornerHeaderRenderer` Base class for corner header renderer. `~wx.grid.GridCornerHeaderRendererDefault` Default corner window renderer. `~wx.grid.GridEditorCreatedEvent` `~wx.grid.GridEvent` This event class contains information about various grid events. `~wx.grid.GridFitMode` Allows to specify the behaviour when the cell contents doesn't fit into its allotted space. `~wx.grid.GridHeaderLabelsRenderer` Base class for header cells renderers. `~wx.grid.GridRangeSelectEvent` Events of this class notify about a range of cells being selected. `~wx.grid.GridRowHeaderRenderer` Base class for row headers renderer. `~wx.grid.GridRowHeaderRendererDefault` Default row header renderer. `~wx.grid.GridSizeEvent` This event class contains information about a row/column resize event. `~wx.grid.GridSizesInfo` :ref:`wx.grid.GridSizesInfo` stores information about sizes of all :ref:`wx.grid.Grid` rows or columns. `~wx.grid.GridStringTable` Simplest type of data table for a grid for small tables of strings that are stored in memory. `~wx.grid.GridTableBase` The almost abstract base class for grid tables. `~wx.grid.GridTableMessage` Message class used by the grid table to send requests and notifications to the grid view. `~wx.grid.GridUpdateLocker` This small class can be used to prevent :ref:`wx.grid.Grid` from redrawing during its lifetime by calling :meth:`wx.grid.Grid.BeginBatch` in its constructor and :meth:`wx.grid.Grid.EndBatch` in its destructor. `~wx.grid.GridBlocks.iterator` Read-only forward iterator type. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: wx.grid.Grid wx.grid.GridActivationResult wx.grid.GridActivationSource wx.grid.GridBlockCoords wx.grid.GridBlockDiffResult wx.grid.GridBlocks wx.grid.GridBlocks.iterator wx.grid.GridCellActivatableEditor wx.grid.GridCellAttr wx.grid.GridCellAttrProvider wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringEditor wx.grid.GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer wx.grid.GridCellBoolEditor wx.grid.GridCellBoolRenderer wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor wx.grid.GridCellCoords wx.grid.GridCellDateEditor wx.grid.GridCellDateRenderer wx.grid.GridCellDateTimeRenderer wx.grid.GridCellEditor wx.grid.GridCellEnumEditor wx.grid.GridCellEnumRenderer wx.grid.GridCellFloatEditor wx.grid.GridCellFloatFormat.enumeration wx.grid.GridCellFloatRenderer wx.grid.GridCellNumberEditor wx.grid.GridCellNumberRenderer wx.grid.GridCellRenderer wx.grid.GridCellStringRenderer wx.grid.GridCellTextEditor wx.grid.GridColumnHeaderRenderer wx.grid.GridColumnHeaderRendererDefault wx.grid.GridCornerHeaderRenderer wx.grid.GridCornerHeaderRendererDefault wx.grid.GridEditorCreatedEvent wx.grid.GridEvent wx.grid.GridFitMode wx.grid.GridHeaderLabelsRenderer wx.grid.GridRangeSelectEvent wx.grid.GridRenderStyle.enumeration wx.grid.GridRowHeaderRenderer wx.grid.GridRowHeaderRendererDefault wx.grid.GridSizeEvent wx.grid.GridSizesInfo wx.grid.GridStringTable wx.grid.GridTableBase wx.grid.GridTableMessage wx.grid.GridTableRequest.enumeration wx.grid.GridUpdateLocker