.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. _wx.grid.GridCellCoords:
|phoenix_title| **wx.grid.GridCellCoords**
Represents coordinates of a grid cell.
An object of this class is simply a (row, column) pair.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.__init__` Default constructor initializes the object to invalid state.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.Get` Return the row and col properties as a tuple.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetCol` Return the column of the coordinate.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetIM` Returns an immutable representation of the ``wx.GridCellCoords`` object, based on ``namedtuple``.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetRow` Return the row of the coordinate.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.Set` Set the row and column of the coordinate.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.SetCol` Set the column of the coordinate.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.SetRow` Set the row of the coordinate.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.__ne__` Inequality operator.
:meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.__eq__` Equality operator.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|property_summary| Properties Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:attr:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.Col` See :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetCol` and :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.SetCol`
:attr:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.Row` See :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetRow` and :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.SetRow`
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: wx.grid.GridCellCoords(object)
**Possible constructors**::
GridCellCoords() -> None
GridCellCoords(row : int, col : int) -> None
Represents coordinates of a grid cell.
.. method:: __init__(self, *args, **kw)
|overload| **Overloaded Implementations:**
**__init__** `(self)`
Default constructor initializes the object to invalid state.
Initially the row and column are both invalid (-1) and so :meth:`operator!` for an uninitialized :ref:`wx.grid.GridCellCoords` returns ``False``.
:rtype: `None`
**__init__** `(self, row : int, col : int)`
Constructor taking a row and a column.
:param `row`:
:type `row`: int
:param `col`:
:type `col`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: Get(self)
Return the row and col properties as a tuple.
:rtype: `tuple`
( `row`, `col` )
.. method:: GetCol(self)
Return the column of the coordinate.
:rtype: `int`
.. method:: GetIM(self)
Returns an immutable representation of the ``wx.GridCellCoords`` object, based on ``namedtuple``.
This new object is hashable and can be used as a dictionary key,
be added to sets, etc. It can be converted back into a real ``wx.GridCellCoords``
with a simple statement like this: ``obj = wx.GridCellCoords(imObj)``.
.. method:: GetRow(self)
Return the row of the coordinate.
:rtype: `int`
.. method:: Set(self, row : int, col : int)
Set the row and column of the coordinate.
:param `row`:
:type `row`: int
:param `col`:
:type `col`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: SetCol(self, n : int)
Set the column of the coordinate.
:param `n`:
:type `n`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: SetRow(self, n : int)
Set the row of the coordinate.
:param `n`:
:type `n`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: __bool__(self)
.. method:: __getitem__(self, idx)
.. method:: __len__(self)
.. method:: __nonzero__(self)
.. method:: __reduce__(self)
.. method:: __repr__(self)
.. method:: __setitem__(self, idx, val)
.. method:: __str__(self)
.. method:: __ne__(self)
Inequality operator.
:param `other`:
:type `other`: wx.grid.GridCellCoords
.. method:: __eq__(self)
Equality operator.
:param `other`:
:type `other`: wx.grid.GridCellCoords
.. attribute:: Col
See :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetCol` and :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.SetCol`
.. attribute:: Row
See :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.GetRow` and :meth:`~wx.grid.GridCellCoords.SetRow`