.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. _wx.html.HtmlContainerCell: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.html.HtmlContainerCell** ========================================================================================================================================== The :ref:`wx.html.HtmlContainerCell` class is an implementation of a cell that may contain more cells in it. It is heavily used in the HTML layout algorithm. .. seealso:: :ref:`Cells and Containers ` | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class HtmlContainerCell:
| |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.__init__` Constructor. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.Detach` Detach a child cell. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetAlignHor` Returns container's horizontal alignment. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetAlignVer` Returns container's vertical alignment. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetBackgroundColour` Returns the background colour of the container or ``NullColour`` if no background colour is set. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetIndent` Returns the indentation. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetIndentUnits` Returns the units of indentation for `ind` where `ind` is one of the ``HTML_INDENT_`` constants. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.InsertCell` Inserts a new cell into the container. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlign` Sets the container's alignment (both horizontal and vertical) according to the values stored in `tag`. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlignHor` Sets the container's `horizontal` alignment. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlignVer` Sets the container's `vertical` alignment. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetBackgroundColour` Sets the background colour for this container. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetBorder` Sets the border (frame) colours. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetIndent` Sets the indentation (free space between borders of container and subcells). :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetMinHeight` Sets minimal height of the container. :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetWidthFloat` Sets floating width adjustment. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |property_summary| Properties Summary ===================================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :attr:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.AlignHor` See :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetAlignHor` and :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlignHor` :attr:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.AlignVer` See :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetAlignVer` and :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlignVer` :attr:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.BackgroundColour` See :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetBackgroundColour` and :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetBackgroundColour` ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: wx.html.HtmlContainerCell(HtmlCell) **Possible constructors**:: HtmlContainerCell(parent : HtmlContainerCell) -> None The HtmlContainerCell class is an implementation of a cell that may contain more cells in it. .. method:: __init__(self, parent : HtmlContainerCell) Constructor. `parent` is pointer to parent container or ``None``. :param `parent`: :type `parent`: wx.html.HtmlContainerCell :rtype: `None` .. method:: Detach(self, cell : HtmlCell) Detach a child cell. Detaching a cell removes it from this container and allows reattaching it to another one by using :meth:`InsertCell` . Alternatively, this method can be used to selectively remove some elements of the HTML document tree by deleting the cell after calling it. :param `cell`: Must be non-null and an immediate child of this cell. :type `cell`: wx.html.HtmlCell :rtype: `None` .. versionadded:: 4.1/wxWidgets-3.1.2 .. method:: GetAlignHor(self) Returns container's horizontal alignment. :rtype: `int` .. method:: GetAlignVer(self) Returns container's vertical alignment. :rtype: `int` .. method:: GetBackgroundColour(self) Returns the background colour of the container or ``NullColour`` if no background colour is set. :rtype: `Colour` .. method:: GetIndent(self, ind : int) Returns the indentation. `ind` is one of the ``HTML_INDENT_`` constants. :param `ind`: :type `ind`: int :rtype: `int` .. note:: You must call :meth:`GetIndentUnits` with same `ind` parameter in order to correctly interpret the returned integer value. It is NOT always in pixels! .. method:: GetIndentUnits(self, ind : int) Returns the units of indentation for `ind` where `ind` is one of the ``HTML_INDENT_`` constants. :param `ind`: :type `ind`: int :rtype: `int` .. method:: InsertCell(self, cell : HtmlCell) Inserts a new cell into the container. Note that the container takes ownership of the cell and will delete it when it itself is destroyed. :param `cell`: :type `cell`: wx.html.HtmlCell :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetAlign(self, tag : HtmlTag) Sets the container's alignment (both horizontal and vertical) according to the values stored in `tag`. (Tags ``ALIGN`` parameter is extracted.) In fact it is only a front-end to :meth:`SetAlignHor` and :meth:`SetAlignVer` . :param `tag`: :type `tag`: wx.html.HtmlTag :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetAlignHor(self, al : int) Sets the container's `horizontal` alignment. During :meth:`wx.html.HtmlCell.Layout` each line is aligned according to `al` value. :param `al`: new horizontal alignment. May be one of these values: - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_LEFT``: lines are left-aligned (default) - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_JUSTIFY``: lines are justified - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_CENTER``: lines are centered - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_RIGHT``: lines are right-aligned :type `al`: int :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetAlignVer(self, al : int) Sets the container's `vertical` alignment. This is per-line alignment! :param `al`: new vertical alignment. May be one of these values: - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM``: cells are over the line (default) - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_CENTER``: cells are centered on line - ``wx.html.HTML_ALIGN_TOP``: cells are under the line :type `al`: int :rtype: `None` .. figure:: _static/images/overviews/htmlcontcell_alignv.png :align: center | .. method:: SetBackgroundColour(self, clr : Colour) Sets the background colour for this container. :param `clr`: :type `clr`: wx.Colour :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetBorder(self, clr1 : Colour, clr2 : Colour, border: int=1) Sets the border (frame) colours. A border is a rectangle around the container. :param `clr1`: Colour of top and left lines :type `clr1`: wx.Colour :param `clr2`: Colour of bottom and right lines :type `clr2`: wx.Colour :param `border`: Size of the border in pixels :type `border`: int :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetIndent(self, i : int, what : int, units: int=HTML_UNITS_PIXELS) Sets the indentation (free space between borders of container and subcells). .. figure:: _static/images/overviews/htmlcontcell_indent.png :align: center | :param `i`: Indentation value. :type `i`: int :param `what`: Determines which of the four borders we're setting. It is ``wx.OR`` combination of following constants: - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_TOP``: top border - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_BOTTOM``: bottom - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_LEFT``: left - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_RIGHT``: right - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_HORIZONTAL``: left and right - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_VERTICAL``: top and bottom - ``wx.html.HTML_INDENT_ALL``: all 4 borders :type `what`: int :param `units`: Units of i. This parameter affects interpretation of value. - ``wx.html.HTML_UNITS_PIXELS``: `i` is number of pixels - ``wx.html.HTML_UNITS_PERCENT``: `i` is interpreted as percents of width of parent container :type `units`: int :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetMinHeight(self, h : int, align: int=HTML_ALIGN_TOP) Sets minimal height of the container. When container's :meth:`wx.html.HtmlCell.Layout` is called, m_Height is set depending on layout of subcells to the height of area covered by layed-out subcells. Calling this method guarantees you that the height of container is never smaller than `h` - even if the subcells cover much smaller area. :param `h`: The minimal height. :type `h`: int :param `align`: If height of the container is lower than the minimum height, empty space must be inserted somewhere in order to ensure minimal height. This parameter is one of ``HTML_ALIGN_TOP`` , ``HTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM`` , ``HTML_ALIGN_CENTER`` . It refers to the contents, not to the empty place. :type `align`: int :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetWidthFloat(self, *args, **kw) |overload| **Overloaded Implementations:** :html:`

` **SetWidthFloat** `(self, w : int, units : int)` Sets floating width adjustment. The normal behaviour of container is that its width is the same as the width of parent container (and thus you can have only one sub-container per line). You can change this by setting the floating width adjustment. :param `w`: Width of the container. If the value is negative it means complement to full width of parent container. E.g.:: SetWidthFloat(-50, wx.html.HTML_UNITS_PIXELS) sets the width of container to parent's width minus 50 pixels. This is useful when creating tables - you can call SetWidthFloat(50) and SetWidthFloat(-50). :type `w`: int :param `units`: Units of w This parameter affects the interpretation of value. - ``wx.html.HTML_UNITS_PIXELS``: `w` is number of pixels - ``wx.html.HTML_UNITS_PERCENT``: `w` is interpreted as percents of width of parent container :type `units`: int :rtype: `None` :html:`

` **SetWidthFloat** `(self, tag : HtmlTag, pixel_scale: float=1.0)` Sets floating width adjustment. The normal behaviour of container is that its width is the same as the width of parent container (and thus you can have only one sub-container per line). You can change this by setting the floating width adjustment. :param `tag`: In the second version of method, `w` and `units` info is extracted from tag's ``WIDTH`` parameter. :type `tag`: wx.html.HtmlTag :param `pixel_scale`: This is number of real pixels that equals to 1 HTML pixel. :type `pixel_scale`: float :rtype: `None` :html:`

` .. attribute:: AlignHor See :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetAlignHor` and :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlignHor` .. attribute:: AlignVer See :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetAlignVer` and :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetAlignVer` .. attribute:: BackgroundColour See :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.GetBackgroundColour` and :meth:`~wx.html.HtmlContainerCell.SetBackgroundColour`