.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. currentmodule:: wx.lib.agw.artmanager .. highlight:: python .. _wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager** ========================================================================================================================================== This class provides various art utilities, such as creating shadow, providing lighter / darker colours for a given colour, etc... | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class ArtManager:
| |super_classes| Known Superclasses ================================== :class:`wx.EvtHandler` | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.__init__` Default class constructor. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.AddMenuTheme` Adds a new theme to the stock. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.BackgroundColour` Returns the background colour of a control when not in focus. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.CalcButtonBestSize` Returns the best fit size for the supplied label & bitmap. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.CanMakeWindowsTransparent` Used internally. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.ConvertToBitmap` Convert the given image to a bitmap, optionally overlaying an alpha :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.CreateGreyBitmap` Creates a grey bitmap image from the input bitmap. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DarkColour` Like the :meth:`~ArtManager.LightColour` function, but create the colour darker by `percent`. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawBitmapShadow` Draws a shadow using background bitmap. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawButton` Colour rectangle according to the theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawButtonColour` Draws a button using the appropriate theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawButtonTheme` Draws a button using the appropriate theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawDragSash` Draws resize sash. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawMenuBarBg` Draws the menu bar background according to the active theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawMenuBarBorder` Enables menu border drawing (XP style only). :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawTextAndBitmap` Draws the text & bitmap on the input dc. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DrawToolBarBg` Draws the toolbar background according to the active theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.DropShadow` Adds a shadow under the window (Windows only). :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.FillStockBitmaps` Initializes few standard bitmaps. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.FrameColour` Return the surrounding colour for a control. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.Free` Destructor for the unique art manager object. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.Get` Accessor to the unique art manager object. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetAccelIndex` Returns the mnemonic index of the label and the label stripped of the ampersand mnemonic :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetAlignBuffer` Return the padding buffer for a text or bitmap. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetBitmapStartLocation` Returns the top left `x` and `y` coordinates of the bitmap drawing. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetColourSchemes` Returns the available colour schemes. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetFont` Returns the font used by this theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMBVerticalGradient` Returns ``True`` if the menu bar should be painted with vertical gradient. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuBarBorder` Returns menu bar border drawing flag. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuBarColourScheme` Returns the current colour scheme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuBarFaceColour` Returns the menu bar face colour. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuBarSelectionColour` Returns the menu bar selection colour. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuBgFactor` Gets the visibility depth of the menu in Metallic style. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuFaceColour` Returns the colour used for the menu foreground. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMenuTheme` Returns the currently used menu theme. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetMS2007ButtonSunken` Returns the sunken flag for MS 2007 buttons. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetRaiseToolbar` Returns ``True`` if we are dropping a shadow under a toolbar. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetStockBitmap` Returns a bitmap from a stock. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetTextColourDisable` Returns the colour used for disabled menu items. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetTextColourEnable` Returns the colour used for enabled menu items. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetTextStartLocation` Returns the top left `x` and `y` coordinates of the text drawing. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetThemeBaseColour` Returns the theme (Blue, Silver, Green etc.) base colour, if no theme is active :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.GetTransparency` Returns the alpha channel value for transparent windows. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.HighlightBackgroundColour` Returns the background colour of a control when it is in focus. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.InitColours` Initialise the colour map. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.Initialize` Initializes the bitmaps and colours. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.IsDark` Returns whether a colour is dark or light. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.LightColour` Return light contrast of `colour`. The colour returned is from the scale of :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.MakeWindowTransparent` Used internally. Makes a toplevel window transparent if the system supports it. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.MixColours` Return mix of input colours. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.OnSysColourChange` Handles the ``wx.EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED`` event for :class:`ArtManager`. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.PaintCrescentGradientBox` Paint a region with gradient colouring. The gradient is in crescent shape :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.PaintDiagonalGradientBox` Paint rectangle with gradient colouring; the gradient lines are diagonal :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.PaintGradientRegion` Paint a region with gradient colouring. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.PaintStraightGradientBox` Paint the rectangle with gradient colouring; the gradient lines are either :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.RandomColour` Creates a random colour. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.SetMBVerticalGradient` Sets the menu bar gradient style. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.SetMenuBarColour` Sets the menu bar colour scheme to use. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.SetMenuTheme` Set the menu theme, possible values (Style2007, StyleXP, StyleVista). :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.SetMS2007ButtonSunken` Sets MS 2007 button style sunken or not. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.SetRaiseToolbar` Enables/disables toobar shadow drop. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.SetTransparency` Sets the alpha channel value for transparent windows. :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.TakeScreenShot` Takes a screenshot of the screen at given position & size (rect). :meth:`~wx.lib.agw.artmanager.ArtManager.TruncateText` Truncates a given string to fit given width size. if the text does not fit ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: ArtManager(wx.EvtHandler) This class provides various art utilities, such as creating shadow, providing lighter / darker colours for a given colour, etc... .. method:: __init__(self) Default class constructor. .. method:: AddMenuTheme(self, render) Adds a new theme to the stock. :param `render`: a rendering theme class, which must be derived from :class:`RendererBase`. :return: An integer representing the size of the renderers dictionary. .. method:: BackgroundColour(self) Returns the background colour of a control when not in focus. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: CalcButtonBestSize(self, label, bmp) Returns the best fit size for the supplied label & bitmap. :param string `label`: the button label; :param `bmp`: the bitmap associated with the button, an instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Size`, representing the best fit size for the supplied label & bitmap. .. method:: CanMakeWindowsTransparent(self) Used internally. :return: ``True`` if the system supports transparency of toplevel windows, otherwise returns ``False``. .. method:: ConvertToBitmap(self, xpm, alpha=None) Convert the given image to a bitmap, optionally overlaying an alpha channel to it. :param `xpm`: a list of strings formatted as XPM; :type `xpm`: list of strings :param `alpha`: a list of alpha values, the same size as the xpm bitmap. :type `alpha`: list of integers :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`. .. method:: CreateGreyBitmap(self, bmp) Creates a grey bitmap image from the input bitmap. :param `bmp`: a valid :class:`wx.Bitmap` object to be greyed out. :return: A greyed-out representation of the input bitmap, an instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`. .. method:: DarkColour(self, colour, percent) Like the :meth:`~ArtManager.LightColour` function, but create the colour darker by `percent`. :param `colour`: the input colour to be darkened, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`; :param integer `percent`: determines how dark the colour will be. `percent` = ``100`` returns black, `percent` = ``0`` returns `colour`. :return: A dark contrast of the input `colour`, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: DrawBitmapShadow(self, dc, rect, where=BottomShadow|RightShadow) Draws a shadow using background bitmap. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the bitmap's client rectangle; :param integer `where`: where to draw the shadow. This can be any combination of the following bits: ========================== ======= ================================ Shadow Settings Value Description ========================== ======= ================================ ``RightShadow`` 1 Right side shadow ``BottomShadow`` 2 Not full bottom shadow ``BottomShadowFull`` 4 Full bottom shadow ========================== ======= ================================ .. method:: DrawButton(self, dc, rect, theme, state, input=None) Colour rectangle according to the theme. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with gradient shading; :param string `theme`: the theme to use to draw the button; :param integer `state`: the button state; :param `input`: a flag used to call the right method. .. method:: DrawButtonColour(self, dc, rect, theme, state, colour) Draws a button using the appropriate theme. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the button's client rectangle; :param string `theme`: the theme to use to draw the button; :param integer `state`: the button state; :param `colour`: a valid :class:`wx.Colour` instance. .. method:: DrawButtonTheme(self, dc, rect, theme, state, useLightColours=True) Draws a button using the appropriate theme. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the button's client rectangle; :param string `theme`: the theme to use to draw the button; :param integer `state`: the button state; :param bool `useLightColours`: ``True`` to use light colours, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: DrawDragSash(self, rect) Draws resize sash. :param wx.Rect `rect`: the sash client rectangle. .. method:: DrawMenuBarBg(self, dc, rect) Draws the menu bar background according to the active theme. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the menubar's client rectangle. .. method:: DrawMenuBarBorder(self, border) Enables menu border drawing (XP style only). :param bool `border`: ``True`` to draw the menubar border, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: DrawTextAndBitmap(self, dc, rect, text, enable=True, font=wx.NullFont, fontColour=wx.BLACK, bitmap=wx.NullBitmap, grayBitmap=wx.NullBitmap, style=0) Draws the text & bitmap on the input dc. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the text and bitmap client rectangle; :param string `text`: the button label; :param bool `enable`: ``True`` if the button is enabled, ``False`` otherwise; :param `font`: the font to use to draw the text, an instance of :class:`wx.Font`; :param `fontColour`: the colour to use to draw the text, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`; :param `bitmap`: the bitmap associated with the button, an instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`; :param `grayBitmap`: a greyed-out version of the input `bitmap` representing a disabled bitmap, an instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`; :param integer `style`: the button style. .. seealso:: :meth:`~ArtManager.GetBitmapStartLocation` for a list of valid button styles. .. method:: DrawToolBarBg(self, dc, rect) Draws the toolbar background according to the active theme. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the toolbar's client rectangle. .. method:: DropShadow(self, wnd, drop=True) Adds a shadow under the window (Windows only). :param `wnd`: the window for which we are dropping a shadow, an instance of :class:`TopLevelWindow`; :param bool `drop`: ``True`` to drop a shadow, ``False`` to remove it. .. method:: FillStockBitmaps(self) Initializes few standard bitmaps. .. method:: FrameColour(self) Return the surrounding colour for a control. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. classmethod:: Free(self) Destructor for the unique art manager object. .. classmethod:: Get(self) Accessor to the unique art manager object. :return: A unique instance of :class:`ArtManager`. .. method:: GetAccelIndex(self, label) Returns the mnemonic index of the label and the label stripped of the ampersand mnemonic (e.g. 'lab&el' ==> will result in 3 and labelOnly = label). :param string `label`: a string containing an ampersand. :return: A tuple containing the mnemonic index of the label and the label stripped of the ampersand mnemonic. .. method:: GetAlignBuffer(self) Return the padding buffer for a text or bitmap. :return: An integer representing the padding buffer. .. method:: GetBitmapStartLocation(self, dc, rect, bitmap, text="", style=0) Returns the top left `x` and `y` coordinates of the bitmap drawing. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the bitmap's client rectangle; :param wx.Bitmap `bitmap`: the bitmap associated with the button; :param string `text`: the button label; :param integer `style`: the button style. This can be one of the following bits: ============================== ======= ================================ Button style Value Description ============================== ======= ================================ ``BU_EXT_XP_STYLE`` 1 A button with a XP style ``BU_EXT_2007_STYLE`` 2 A button with a MS Office 2007 style ``BU_EXT_LEFT_ALIGN_STYLE`` 4 A left-aligned button ``BU_EXT_CENTER_ALIGN_STYLE`` 8 A center-aligned button ``BU_EXT_RIGHT_ALIGN_STYLE`` 16 A right-aligned button ``BU_EXT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_STYLE`` 32 A button suitable for right-to-left languages ============================== ======= ================================ :return: A tuple containing the top left `x` and `y` coordinates of the bitmap drawing. .. method:: GetColourSchemes(self) Returns the available colour schemes. :return: A list of strings representing the available colour schemes. .. method:: GetFont(self) Returns the font used by this theme. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Font`. .. method:: GetMBVerticalGradient(self) Returns ``True`` if the menu bar should be painted with vertical gradient. .. method:: GetMenuBarBorder(self) Returns menu bar border drawing flag. :return: ``True`` if the menu bar border is to be drawn, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: GetMenuBarColourScheme(self) Returns the current colour scheme. :return: A string representing the current colour scheme. .. method:: GetMenuBarFaceColour(self) Returns the menu bar face colour. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: GetMenuBarSelectionColour(self) Returns the menu bar selection colour. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: GetMenuBgFactor(self) Gets the visibility depth of the menu in Metallic style. The higher the value, the menu bar will look more raised .. method:: GetMenuFaceColour(self) Returns the colour used for the menu foreground. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: GetMenuTheme(self) Returns the currently used menu theme. :return: A string containing the currently used theme for the menu. .. method:: GetMS2007ButtonSunken(self) Returns the sunken flag for MS 2007 buttons. :return: ``True`` if the MS 2007 buttons are sunken, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: GetRaiseToolbar(self) Returns ``True`` if we are dropping a shadow under a toolbar. .. method:: GetStockBitmap(self, name) Returns a bitmap from a stock. :param string `name`: the bitmap name. :return: The stock bitmap, if `name` was found in the stock bitmap dictionary. Otherwise, :class:`NullBitmap` is returned. .. method:: GetTextColourDisable(self) Returns the colour used for disabled menu items. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: GetTextColourEnable(self) Returns the colour used for enabled menu items. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: GetTextStartLocation(self, dc, rect, bitmap, text, style=0) Returns the top left `x` and `y` coordinates of the text drawing. In case the text is too long, the text is being fixed (the text is cut and a '...' mark is added in the end). :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the text's client rectangle; :param wx.Bitmap `bitmap`: the bitmap associated with the button; :param string `text`: the button label; :param integer `style`: the button style. :return: A tuple containing the top left `x` and `y` coordinates of the text drawing, plus the truncated version of the input `text`. .. seealso:: :meth:`~ArtManager.GetBitmapStartLocation` for a list of valid button styles. .. method:: GetThemeBaseColour(self, useLightColours=True) Returns the theme (Blue, Silver, Green etc.) base colour, if no theme is active it return the active caption colour, lighter in 30%. :param bool `useLightColours`: ``True`` to use light colours, ``False`` otherwise. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: GetTransparency(self) Returns the alpha channel value for transparent windows. :return: An integer representing the alpha channel value. .. method:: HighlightBackgroundColour(self) Returns the background colour of a control when it is in focus. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: InitColours(self) Initialise the colour map. .. method:: Initialize(self) Initializes the bitmaps and colours. .. method:: IsDark(self, colour) Returns whether a colour is dark or light. :param `colour`: an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. :return: ``True`` if the average RGB values are dark, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: LightColour(self, colour, percent) Return light contrast of `colour`. The colour returned is from the scale of `colour` ==> white. :param `colour`: the input colour to be brightened, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`; :param integer `percent`: determines how light the colour will be. `percent` = ``100`` returns white, `percent` = ``0`` returns `colour`. :return: A light contrast of the input `colour`, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: MakeWindowTransparent(self, wnd, amount) Used internally. Makes a toplevel window transparent if the system supports it. :param `wnd`: the toplevel window to make transparent, an instance of :class:`TopLevelWindow`; :param integer `amount`: the window transparency to apply. .. method:: MixColours(self, firstColour, secondColour, percent) Return mix of input colours. :param `firstColour`: the first colour to be mixed, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`; :param `secondColour`: the second colour to be mixed, an instance of :class:`wx.Colour`; :param integer `percent`: the relative percentage of `firstColour` with respect to `secondColour`. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: OnSysColourChange(self, event) Handles the ``wx.EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED`` event for :class:`ArtManager`. :param `event`: a :class:`SysColourChangedEvent` event to be processed. .. method:: PaintCrescentGradientBox(self, dc, rect, startColour, endColour, concave=True) Paint a region with gradient colouring. The gradient is in crescent shape which fits the 2007 style. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `startColour`: the first colour of the gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `endColour`: the second colour of the gradient shading; :param bool `concave`: ``True`` for a concave effect, ``False`` for a convex one. .. method:: PaintDiagonalGradientBox(self, dc, rect, startColour, endColour, startAtUpperLeft=True, trimToSquare=True) Paint rectangle with gradient colouring; the gradient lines are diagonal and may start from the upper left corner or from the upper right corner. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `startColour`: the first colour of the gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `endColour`: the second colour of the gradient shading; :param bool `startAtUpperLeft`: ``True`` to start the gradient lines at the upper left corner of the rectangle, ``False`` to start at the upper right corner; :param bool `trimToSquare`: ``True`` to trim the gradient lines in a square. .. method:: PaintGradientRegion(self, dc, region, startColour, endColour, vertical=True) Paint a region with gradient colouring. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param `region`: a region to be filled with gradient shading (an instance of :class:`Region`); :param wx.Colour `startColour`: the first colour of the gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `endColour`: the second colour of the gradient shading; :param bool `vertical`: ``True`` for gradient colouring in the vertical direction, ``False`` for horizontal shading. .. method:: PaintStraightGradientBox(self, dc, rect, startColour, endColour, vertical=True) Paint the rectangle with gradient colouring; the gradient lines are either horizontal or vertical. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param wx.Rect `rect`: the rectangle to be filled with gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `startColour`: the first colour of the gradient shading; :param wx.Colour `endColour`: the second colour of the gradient shading; :param bool `vertical`: ``True`` for gradient colouring in the vertical direction, ``False`` for horizontal shading. .. method:: RandomColour(self) Creates a random colour. :return: An instance of :class:`wx.Colour`. .. method:: SetMBVerticalGradient(self, v) Sets the menu bar gradient style. :param bool `v`: ``True`` for a vertical shaded gradient, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: SetMenuBarColour(self, scheme) Sets the menu bar colour scheme to use. :param string `scheme`: a string representing a colour scheme (i.e., 'Default', 'Dark', 'Dark Olive Green', 'Generic'). .. method:: SetMenuTheme(self, theme) Set the menu theme, possible values (Style2007, StyleXP, StyleVista). :param string `theme`: a rendering theme class, either `StyleXP`, `Style2007` or `StyleVista`. .. method:: SetMS2007ButtonSunken(self, sunken) Sets MS 2007 button style sunken or not. :param bool `sunken`: ``True`` to have a sunken border effect, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: SetRaiseToolbar(self, rais) Enables/disables toobar shadow drop. :param bool `rais`: ``True`` to drop a shadow below a toolbar, ``False`` otherwise. .. method:: SetTransparency(self, amount) Sets the alpha channel value for transparent windows. :param integer `amount`: the actual transparency value (between 0 and 255). :raise: `Exception` if the `amount` parameter is lower than ``0`` or greater than ``255``. .. method:: TakeScreenShot(self, rect, bmp) Takes a screenshot of the screen at given position & size (rect). :param wx.Rect `rect`: the screen rectangle we wish to capture; :param wx.Bitmap `bmp`: currently unused. .. method:: TruncateText(self, dc, text, maxWidth) Truncates a given string to fit given width size. if the text does not fit into the given width it is truncated to fit. The format of the fixed text is ``truncate text ...``. :param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`; :param string `text`: the text to be (eventually) truncated; :param integer `maxWidth`: the maximum width allowed for the text. :return: A new string containing the (possibly) truncated text.