.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.lib.agw.flatmenu
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton:
|phoenix_title| **wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton**
A nice small class that functions like :class:`wx.BitmapButton`, the reason I did
not used :class:`wx.BitmapButton` is that on Linux, it has some extra margins that
I can't seem to be able to remove.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.__init__` Default class constructor.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.Contains` Used internally.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.Draw` Draws self at rect using dc.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.GetClientRect` Returns the client rectangle for :class:`FlatMenuButton`.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.GetTimer` Returns the timer object.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.GetTimerId` Returns the timer object identifier.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.Move` Moves :class:`FlatMenuButton` to the specified position.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.ProcessLeftDown` Handles left down mouse events.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.ProcessLeftUp` Handles left up mouse events.
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.ProcessMouseMove` Handles mouse motion events. This is called any time the mouse moves in the parent menu,
:meth:`~wx.lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuButton.SetSize` Sets the size for :class:`FlatMenuButton`.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: FlatMenuButton(object)
A nice small class that functions like :class:`wx.BitmapButton`, the reason I did
not used :class:`wx.BitmapButton` is that on Linux, it has some extra margins that
I can't seem to be able to remove.
.. method:: __init__(self, menu, up, normalBmp, disabledBmp=wx.NullBitmap, scrollOnHover=False)
Default class constructor.
:param `menu`: the parent menu associated with this button, an instance of :class:`FlatMenu`;
:param bool `up`: ``True`` for up arrow or ``False`` for down arrow;
:param `normalBmp`: normal state bitmap, an instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`;
:param `disabledBmp`: disabled state bitmap, an instance of :class:`wx.Bitmap`.
.. method:: Contains(self, pt)
Used internally.
.. method:: Draw(self, dc)
Draws self at rect using dc.
:param `dc`: an instance of :class:`wx.DC`.
.. method:: GetClientRect(self)
Returns the client rectangle for :class:`FlatMenuButton`.
.. method:: GetTimer(self)
Returns the timer object.
.. method:: GetTimerId(self)
Returns the timer object identifier.
.. method:: Move(self, input1, input2=None)
Moves :class:`FlatMenuButton` to the specified position.
:param `input1`: if it is an instance of :class:`wx.Point`, it represents the :class:`FlatMenuButton`
position and the `input2` parameter is not used. Otherwise it is an integer representing
the button `x` position;
:param `input2`: if not ``None``, it is an integer representing the button `y` position.
.. method:: ProcessLeftDown(self, pt)
Handles left down mouse events.
:param `pt`: an instance of :class:`wx.Point` where the left mouse button was pressed.
.. method:: ProcessLeftUp(self, pt)
Handles left up mouse events.
:param `pt`: an instance of :class:`wx.Point` where the left mouse button was released.
.. method:: ProcessMouseMove(self, pt)
Handles mouse motion events. This is called any time the mouse moves in the parent menu,
so we must check to see if the mouse is over the button.
:param `pt`: an instance of :class:`wx.Point` where the mouse pointer was moved.
.. method:: SetSize(self, input1, input2=None)
Sets the size for :class:`FlatMenuButton`.
:param `input1`: if it is an instance of :class:`wx.Size`, it represents the :class:`FlatMenuButton`
size and the `input2` parameter is not used. Otherwise it is an integer representing
the button width;
:param `input2`: if not ``None``, it is an integer representing the button height.