.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. module:: wx.lib.masked.numctrl
.. currentmodule:: wx.lib.masked.numctrl
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.lib.masked.numctrl:
|phoenix_title| **wx.lib.masked.numctrl**
- allows you to get and set integer or floating point numbers as value,
- provides bounds support and optional value limiting,
- has the right-insert input style that MaskedTextCtrl supports,
- provides optional automatic grouping, sign control and format, grouping and decimal
character selection, etc. etc.
Being derived from masked.TextCtrl, the control only allows
fixed-point notation. That is, it has a fixed (though reconfigurable)
maximum width for the integer portion and optional fixed width
fractional portion.
Here's the API::
from wx.lib.masked import NumCtrl
parent, id = -1,
value = 0,
pos = wx.DefaultPosition,
size = wx.DefaultSize,
style = 0,
validator = wx.DefaultValidator,
name = "masked.number",
integerWidth = 10,
fractionWidth = 0,
allowNone = False,
allowNegative = True,
useParensForNegatives = False,
groupDigits = False,
groupChar = ',',
decimalChar = '.',
min = None,
max = None,
limited = False,
limitOnFieldChange = False,
selectOnEntry = True,
foregroundColour = "Black",
signedForegroundColour = "Red",
emptyBackgroundColour = "White",
validBackgroundColour = "White",
invalidBackgroundColour = "Yellow",
autoSize = True,
If no initial value is set, the default will be zero, or
the minimum value, if specified. If an illegal string is specified,
a ValueError will result. (You can always later set the initial
value with SetValue() after instantiation of the control.)
Indicates how many places to the right of any decimal point
should be allowed in the control. This will, perforce, limit
the size of the values that can be entered. This number need
not include space for grouping characters or the sign, if either
of these options are enabled, as the resulting underlying
mask is automatically by the control. The default of 10
will allow any 32 bit integer value. The minimum value
for integerWidth is 1.
Indicates how many decimal places to show for numeric value.
If default (0), then the control will display and return only
integer or long values.
Boolean indicating whether or not the control is allowed to be
empty, representing a value of None for the control.
Boolean indicating whether or not control is allowed to hold
negative numbers.
If true, this will cause negative numbers to be displayed with ()s
rather than -, (although '-' will still trigger a negative number.)
Indicates whether or not grouping characters should be allowed and/or
inserted when leaving the control or the decimal character is entered.
What grouping character will be used if allowed. (By default ',')
If fractionWidth is > 0, what character will be used to represent
the decimal point. (By default '.')
The minimum value that the control should allow. This can be also be
adjusted with SetMin(). If the control is not limited, any value
below this bound will result in a background colored with the current
invalidBackgroundColour. If the min specified will not fit into the
control, the min setting will be ignored.
The maximum value that the control should allow. This can be
adjusted with SetMax(). If the control is not limited, any value
above this bound will result in a background colored with the current
invalidBackgroundColour. If the max specified will not fit into the
control, the max setting will be ignored.
Boolean indicating whether the control prevents values from
exceeding the currently set minimum and maximum values (bounds).
If ``False`` and bounds are set, out-of-bounds values will
result in a background colored with the current invalidBackgroundColour.
An alternative to limited, this boolean indicates whether or not a
field change should be allowed if the value in the control
is out of bounds. If True, and control focus is lost, this will also
cause the control to take on the nearest bound value.
Boolean indicating whether or not the value in each field of the
control should be automatically selected (for replacement) when
that field is entered, either by cursor movement or tabbing.
This can be desirable when using these controls for rapid data entry.
Color value used for positive values of the control.
Color value used for negative values of the control.
What background color to use when the control is considered
"empty." (allow_none must be set to trigger this behavior.)
What background color to use when the control value is
considered valid.
Color value used for illegal values or values out-of-bounds of the
control when the bounds are set but the control is not limited.
Boolean indicating whether or not the control should set its own
width based on the integer and fraction widths. ``True`` by default.
Note: Setting this to ``False`` will produce seemingly odd
behavior unless the control is large enough to hold the maximum
specified value given the widths and the sign positions; if not,
the control will appear to "jump around" as the contents scroll.
(ie. autoSize is highly recommended.)
masked.EVT_NUM(win, id, func)
Respond to a EVT_COMMAND_MASKED_NUMBER_UPDATED event, generated when
the value changes. Notice that this event will always be sent when the
control's contents changes - whether this is due to user input or
comes from the program itself (for example, if SetValue() is called.)
Sets the value of the control to the value specified, if
possible. The resulting actual value of the control may be
altered to conform to the format of the control, changed
to conform with the bounds set on the control if limited,
or colored if not limited but the value is out-of-bounds.
A ValueError exception will be raised if an invalid value
is specified.
Retrieves the numeric value from the control. The value
retrieved will be either be returned as a long if the
fractionWidth is 0, or a float otherwise.
Allows simultaneous setting of various attributes
of the control after construction. Keyword arguments
allowed are the same parameters as supported in the constructor.
Resets the width of the integer portion of the control. The
value must be >= 1, or an AttributeError exception will result.
This value should account for any grouping characters that might
be inserted (if grouping is enabled), but does not need to account
for the sign, as that is handled separately by the control.
Returns the current width of the integer portion of the control,
not including any reserved sign position.
Resets the width of the fractional portion of the control. The
value must be >= 0, or an AttributeError exception will result. If
0, the current value of the control will be truncated to an integer
Returns the current width of the fractional portion of the control.
Resets the minimum value of the control. If a value of None
is provided, then the control will have no explicit minimum value.
If the value specified is greater than the current maximum value,
then the function returns ``False`` and the minimum will not change from
its current setting. On success, the function returns True.
If successful and the current value is lower than the new lower
bound, if the control is limited, the value will be automatically
adjusted to the new minimum value; if not limited, the value in the
control will be colored as invalid.
If min > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
the function will return False, and the min will not be set.
Gets the current lower bound value for the control.
It will return None if no lower bound is currently specified.
Resets the maximum value of the control. If a value of None
is provided, then the control will have no explicit maximum value.
If the value specified is less than the current minimum value, then
the function returns ``False`` and the maximum will not change from its
current setting. On success, the function returns True.
If successful and the current value is greater than the new upper
bound, if the control is limited the value will be automatically
adjusted to this maximum value; if not limited, the value in the
control will be colored as invalid.
If max > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
the function will return False, and the max will not be set.
Gets the current upper bound value for the control.
It will return None if no upper bound is currently specified.
This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
values at the same time. The function only applies the maximum bound
if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns ``True`` only if both operations succeed. Note: leaving out an argument
will remove the corresponding bound.
This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
current bounds of the control. Each value can be None if
that bound is not set.
Returns True if no value is specified and the current value
of the control falls within the current bounds. This function can also
be called with a value to see if that value would fall within the current
bounds of the given control.
If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
be limited accordingly.
If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
place if bounds have been set for the control.
Returns True if the control is currently limiting the
value to fall within the current bounds.
If called with a value of True, will cause the control to allow
out-of-bounds values, but will prevent field change if attempted
via navigation, and if the control loses focus, it will change
the value to the nearest bound.
Returns True if the control is currently limiting the
value on field change.
If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
to allow the value to be empty, representing a value of None.
If called with a value of False, this function will prevent the value
from being None. If the value of the control is currently None,
ie. the control is empty, then the value will be changed to that
of the lower bound of the control, or 0 if no lower bound is set.
Returns True if the control currently allows its
value to be None.
If called with a value of True, this function will cause the
control to allow the value to be negative (and reserve space for
displaying the sign. If called with a value of False, and the
value of the control is currently negative, the value of the
control will be converted to the absolute value, and then
limited appropriately based on the existing bounds of the control
(if any).
Returns True if the control currently permits values
to be negative.
If called with a value of True, this will make the control
automatically add and manage grouping characters to the presented
value in integer portion of the control.
Returns True if the control is currently set to group digits.
Sets the grouping character for the integer portion of the
control. (The default grouping character this is ','.
Returns the current grouping character for the control.
If called with a value of True, this will make the control
automatically select the contents of each field as it is entered
within the control. (The default is True.)
Returns True if the control currently auto selects
the field values on entry.
Resets the autoSize attribute of the control.
Returns the current state of the autoSize attribute for the control.
|class_summary| Classes Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
`~wx.lib.masked.numctrl.NumberUpdatedEvent` Used to fire an EVT_NUM event whenever the value in a NumCtrl changes.
`~wx.lib.masked.numctrl.NumCtrl` Masked edit control supporting "native" numeric values, ie. .SetValue(3), for
`~wx.lib.masked.numctrl.NumCtrlAccessorsMixin` Defines masked.NumCtrl's list of attributes having their own
================================================================================ ================================================================================
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1