.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.lib.ogl.basic
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint:
|phoenix_title| **wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint**
The :class:`PolygonControlPoint` class.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|super_classes| Known Superclasses
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint.__init__` Default class constructor
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint.CalculateNewSize` Calculate what new size would be, at end of resize.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint.GetNewSize` Get the new size.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint.OnBeginDragLeft` The begin drag left handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint.OnDragLeft` The drag left handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.basic.PolygonControlPoint.OnEndDragLeft` The end drag left handler.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: PolygonControlPoint(ControlPoint)
The :class:`PolygonControlPoint` class.
.. method:: __init__(self, theCanvas, object, size, vertex, the_xoffset, the_yoffset)
Default class constructor
:param `theCanvas`: a :class:`~lib.ogl.Canvas`
:param `object`: the shape, instance of :class:`~lib.ogl.Shape`
:param float `size`: the size
:param `vertext`: the vertex
:param float `the_xoffset`: the x position
:param float `the_yoffset`: the y position
:param int `the_type`: one of the following types ???
======================================== ==================================
Control point type Description
======================================== ==================================
======================================== ==================================
.. method:: CalculateNewSize(self, x, y)
Calculate what new size would be, at end of resize.
:param `x`: x ???
:param `y`: y ???
.. method:: GetNewSize(self)
Get the new size.
.. method:: OnBeginDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The begin drag left handler.
.. method:: OnDragLeft(self, draw, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The drag left handler.
.. method:: OnEndDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The end drag left handler.