.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.lib.ogl.composit
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape:
|phoenix_title| **wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape**
A :class:`DivisionShape` class is a composite with special properties,
to be used for containment. It's a subdivision of a container.
A containing node image consists of a composite with a main child shape
such as rounded rectangle, plus a list of division objects.
It needs to be a composite because a division contains pieces
of diagram.
.. note:: A container has at least one wxDivisionShape for consistency.
This can be subdivided, so it turns into two objects, then each of
these can be subdivided, etc.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|super_classes| Known Superclasses
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.__init__` Default class constructor.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.AdjustLeft` Adjust a side.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.AdjustRight` Adjust a side.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.AdjustTop` Adjust a side.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.CalculateSize` not implemented???
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.Divide` Divide this division into two further divisions.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetBottomSide` Return the division on the bottom side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetHandleSide` Return the side which the handle appears on.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetLeftSide` Return the division on the left side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetLeftSideColour` Return the colour used for drawing the left side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetLeftSidePen` Return the pen used for drawing the left side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetLeftSideStyle` Return the style used for the left side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetRightSide` Return the division on the right side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetTopSide` Return the division on the top side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetTopSideColour` Return the colour used for drawing the top side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetTopSidePen` Return the pen used for drawing the top side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.GetTopSideStyle` Return the style used for the top side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.MakeControlPoints` Make control points.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.MakeMandatoryControlPoints` Make mandatory control points.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnBeginDragLeft` The begin drag left handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnDragLeft` The drag left handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnDraw` The draw handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnDrawContents` The draw contents handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnEndDragLeft` The end drag left handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnMovePre` The move 'pre' handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.OnRightClick` The right click handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.PopupMenu` Popup menu handler.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.ResetControlPoints` Reset control points.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.ResetMandatoryControlPoints` Reset mandatory control points.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.ResizeAdjoining` Resize adjoining divisions at the given side.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetBottomSide` Set the the division on the bottom side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetHandleSide` Sets the side which the handle appears on.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetLeftSide` Set the the division on the left side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetLeftSideColour` Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetLeftSidePen` Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetLeftSideStyle` Set the left side style.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetRightSide` Set the the division on the right side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetSize` Set the size.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetTopSide` Set the the division on the top side of this division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetTopSideColour` Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetTopSidePen` Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
:meth:`~wx.lib.ogl.composit.DivisionShape.SetTopSideStyle` Set the top side style.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: DivisionShape(CompositeShape)
A :class:`DivisionShape` class is a composite with special properties,
to be used for containment. It's a subdivision of a container.
A containing node image consists of a composite with a main child shape
such as rounded rectangle, plus a list of division objects.
It needs to be a composite because a division contains pieces
of diagram.
.. note:: A container has at least one wxDivisionShape for consistency.
This can be subdivided, so it turns into two objects, then each of
these can be subdivided, etc.
.. method:: __init__(self)
Default class constructor.
.. method:: AdjustLeft(self, left, test)
Adjust a side.
:param `left`: desired left position ???
:param `test`: if `True` just a test
:returns: `False` if it's not physically possible to adjust it to
this point.
.. method:: AdjustRight(self, right, test)
Adjust a side.
:param `right`: desired right position ???
:param `test`: if `True` just a test
:returns: `False` if it's not physically possible to adjust it to
this point.
.. method:: AdjustTop(self, top, test)
Adjust a side.
:param `top`: desired top position ???
:param `test`: if `True` just a test
:returns: `False` if it's not physically possible to adjust it to
this point.
.. method:: CalculateSize(self)
not implemented???
.. method:: Divide(self, direction)
Divide this division into two further divisions.
:param `direction`: `wx.HORIZONTAL` for horizontal or `wx.VERTICAL` for
vertical division.
.. method:: EditEdge(self, side)
.. method:: GetBottomSide(self)
Return the division on the bottom side of this division.
.. method:: GetHandleSide(self)
Return the side which the handle appears on.
.. method:: GetLeftSide(self)
Return the division on the left side of this division.
.. method:: GetLeftSideColour(self)
Return the colour used for drawing the left side of the division.
.. method:: GetLeftSidePen(self)
Return the pen used for drawing the left side of the division.
.. method:: GetLeftSideStyle(self)
Return the style used for the left side of the division.
.. method:: GetRightSide(self)
Return the division on the right side of this division.
.. method:: GetTopSide(self)
Return the division on the top side of this division.
.. method:: GetTopSideColour(self)
Return the colour used for drawing the top side of the division.
.. method:: GetTopSidePen(self)
Return the pen used for drawing the top side of the division.
.. method:: GetTopSideStyle(self)
Return the style used for the top side of the division.
.. method:: MakeControlPoints(self)
Make control points.
.. method:: MakeMandatoryControlPoints(self)
Make mandatory control points.
.. method:: OnBeginDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The begin drag left handler.
.. method:: OnDragLeft(self, draw, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The drag left handler.
.. method:: OnDraw(self, dc)
The draw handler.
.. method:: OnDrawContents(self, dc)
The draw contents handler.
.. method:: OnEndDragLeft(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The end drag left handler.
.. method:: OnMovePre(self, dc, x, y, oldx, oldy, display = True)
The move 'pre' handler.
.. method:: OnRightClick(self, x, y, keys = 0, attachment = 0)
The right click handler.
.. method:: PopupMenu(self, x, y)
Popup menu handler.
.. method:: ResetControlPoints(self)
Reset control points.
.. method:: ResetMandatoryControlPoints(self)
Reset mandatory control points.
.. method:: ResizeAdjoining(self, side, newPos, test)
Resize adjoining divisions at the given side.
:param `side`: can be one of
======================= =======================
Side option Description
======================= =======================
======================= =======================
:param `newPos`: new position
:param `test`: if `True`, just see whether it's possible for each
adjoining region, returning `False` if it's not.
.. method:: SetBottomSide(self, shape)
Set the the division on the bottom side of this division.
.. method:: SetHandleSide(self, side)
Sets the side which the handle appears on.
.. method:: SetLeftSide(self, shape)
Set the the division on the left side of this division.
.. method:: SetLeftSideColour(self, colour)
Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
.. method:: SetLeftSidePen(self, pen)
Set the colour for drawing the left side of the division.
.. method:: SetLeftSideStyle(self, style)
Set the left side style.
:param `style`: valid values ???
.. method:: SetRightSide(self, shape)
Set the the division on the right side of this division.
.. method:: SetSize(self, w, h, recursive = True)
Set the size.
:param `w`: the width
:param `h`: the height
:param `recursive`: `True` recurse all children
.. method:: SetTopSide(self, shape)
Set the the division on the top side of this division.
.. method:: SetTopSideColour(self, colour)
Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
.. method:: SetTopSidePen(self, pen)
Set the colour for drawing the top side of the division.
.. method:: SetTopSideStyle(self, style)
Set the top side style.
:param `style`: valid values ???