.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.lib.plot.examples.demo
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame:
|phoenix_title| **wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame**
Frame() -> None
Frame(parent : Window, id: int=ID_ANY, title: str='', pos: Point=DefaultPosition, size: Size=DefaultSize, style: int=DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name: str=FrameNameStr) -> None
A frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed
by the user.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|super_classes| Known Superclasses
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.__init__` Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.DrawPointLabel` This is the function that defines how the pointLabels are plotted
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw1` Sin, Cos, and Points
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw10` Bar Chart example
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw2` Sin, Cos, Points, and lines between points
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw3` Various Marker Types
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw4` 25,000 point line and markers
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw5` Empty plot with just axes
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw6` Bar Graph Example
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw7` log scale example
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw8` Box Plot example
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.OnPlotDraw9` Histogram example
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.examples.demo.PlotDemoMainFrame.resetDefaults` Just to reset the fonts back to the PlotCanvas defaults
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: PlotDemoMainFrame(wx.Frame)
Frame() -> None
Frame(parent : Window, id: int=ID_ANY, title: str='', pos: Point=DefaultPosition, size: Size=DefaultSize, style: int=DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, name: str=FrameNameStr) -> None
A frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed
by the user.
.. method:: __init__(self, parent, wxid, title)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
.. method:: DrawPointLabel(self, dc, mDataDict)
This is the function that defines how the pointLabels are plotted
:param dc: DC that will be passed
:param mDataDict: Dictionary of data that you want to use
for the pointLabel
As an example I have decided I want a box at the curve point
with some text information about the curve plotted below.
Any wxDC method can be used.
.. method:: OnAbsX(self, event)
.. method:: OnAbsY(self, event)
.. method:: OnBackgroundGray(self, event)
.. method:: OnBackgroundWhite(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAntiAliasing(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesAll(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesBottom(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesBottomLeft(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesLabels(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesLeft(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesRight(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesTop(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesValuesBottom(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesValuesLeft(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesValuesRight(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAxesValuesTop(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableCenterLines(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableDiagonals(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableDrag(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableGridAll(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableGridX(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableGridY(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableHiRes(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableLegend(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnablePlotTitle(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnablePointLabel(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableScrollbars(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableTicksAll(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableTicksBottom(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableTicksBottomLeft(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableTicksLeft(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableTicksRight(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableTicksTop(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableZoom(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileExit(self, event)
.. method:: OnFilePageSetup(self, event)
.. method:: OnFilePrint(self, event)
.. method:: OnFilePrintPreview(self, event)
.. method:: OnForegroundBlack(self, event)
.. method:: OnForegroundRed(self, event)
.. method:: OnHelpAbout(self, event)
.. method:: OnLogX(self, event)
.. method:: OnLogY(self, event)
.. method:: OnMotion(self, event)
.. method:: OnMouseLeftDown(self, event)
.. method:: OnPlotClear(self, event)
.. method:: OnPlotDraw1(self, event)
Sin, Cos, and Points
.. method:: OnPlotDraw10(self, event)
Bar Chart example
.. method:: OnPlotDraw2(self, event)
Sin, Cos, Points, and lines between points
.. method:: OnPlotDraw3(self, event)
Various Marker Types
.. method:: OnPlotDraw4(self, event)
25,000 point line and markers
.. method:: OnPlotDraw5(self, event)
Empty plot with just axes
.. method:: OnPlotDraw6(self, event)
Bar Graph Example
.. method:: OnPlotDraw7(self, event)
log scale example
.. method:: OnPlotDraw8(self, event)
Box Plot example
.. method:: OnPlotDraw9(self, event)
Histogram example
.. method:: OnPlotRedraw(self, event)
.. method:: OnPlotScale(self, event)
.. method:: OnReset(self, event)
.. method:: OnSaveFile(self, event)
.. method:: OnScrRt(self, event)
.. method:: OnScrUp(self, event)
.. method:: resetDefaults(self)
Just to reset the fonts back to the PlotCanvas defaults