.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
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Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.lib.plot.polyobjects
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints:
|phoenix_title| **wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints**
Base Class for lines and markers.
:param points: The points to plot
:type points: list of ``(x, y)`` pairs
:param attr: Additional attributes
:type attr: dict
.. warning::
All methods are private.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|sub_classes| Known Subclasses
:class:`wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyBarsBase`, :class:`wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyBoxPlot`, :class:`wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyLine`, :class:`wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyMarker`
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.__init__` Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.boundingBox` Returns the bounding box for the entire dataset as a tuple with this
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.getClosestPoint` Returns the index of closest point on the curve, pointXY,
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.scaleAndShift` Scales and shifts the data for plotting.
:meth:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.setLogScale` Set to change the axes to plot Log10(values)
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|property_summary| Properties Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:attr:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.absScale` A tuple of ``(x_axis_is_abs, y_axis_is_abs)`` booleans. If a value
:attr:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.logScale` A tuple of ``(x_axis_is_log10, y_axis_is_log10)`` booleans. If a value
:attr:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.points` Get or set the plotted points.
:attr:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.symLogScale` Not yet implemented.
:attr:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.symLogThresh` Not yet implemented.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: PolyPoints(object)
Base Class for lines and markers.
:param points: The points to plot
:type points: list of ``(x, y)`` pairs
:param attr: Additional attributes
:type attr: dict
.. warning::
All methods are private.
.. method:: __init__(self, points, attr)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
.. method:: boundingBox(self)
Returns the bounding box for the entire dataset as a tuple with this
((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY))
:returns: boundingbox
:rtype: numpy array of ``[[minX, minY], [maxX, maxY]]``
.. method:: getClosestPoint(self, pntXY, pointScaled=True)
Returns the index of closest point on the curve, pointXY,
scaledXY, distance x, y in user coords.
if pointScaled == True, then based on screen coords
if pointScaled == False, then based on user coords
.. method:: getLegend(self)
.. method:: scaleAndShift(self, scale=(1, 1), shift=(0, 0))
Scales and shifts the data for plotting.
:param scale: The values to scale the data by.
:type scale: list of floats: ``[x_scale, y_scale]``
:param shift: The value to shift the data by. This should be in scaled
:type shift: list of floats: ``[x_shift, y_shift]``
:returns: None
.. method:: setLogScale(self, logscale)
Set to change the axes to plot Log10(values)
Value must be a tuple of booleans (x_axis_bool, y_axis_bool)
.. deprecated:: Feb 27, 2016
Use the :attr:`~wx.lib.plot.polyobjects.PolyPoints.logScale`
property instead.
.. attribute:: absScale
A tuple of ``(x_axis_is_abs, y_axis_is_abs)`` booleans. If a value
is ``True``, then that axis is plotted on an absolute value scale.
:getter: Returns the current value of absScale
:setter: Sets the value of absScale
:type: tuple of bool, length 2
:raises ValueError: when setting an invalid value
.. attribute:: logScale
A tuple of ``(x_axis_is_log10, y_axis_is_log10)`` booleans. If a value
is ``True``, then that axis is plotted on a logarithmic base 10 scale.
:getter: Returns the current value of logScale
:setter: Sets the value of logScale
:type: tuple of bool, length 2
:raises ValueError: when setting an invalid value
.. attribute:: points
Get or set the plotted points.
:getter: Returns the current value of points, adjusting for the
various scale options such as Log, Abs, or SymLog.
:setter: Sets the value of points.
:type: list of `(x, y)` pairs
.. note::
Only set unscaled points - do not perform the log, abs, or symlog
adjustments yourself.
.. attribute:: symLogScale
.. warning::
Not yet implemented.
A tuple of ``(x_axis_is_SymLog10, y_axis_is_SymLog10)`` booleans.
If a value is ``True``, then that axis is plotted on a symmetric
logarithmic base 10 scale.
A Symmetric Log10 scale means that values can be positive and
negative. Any values less than
:attr:`~wx.lig.plot.PolyPoints.symLogThresh` will be plotted on
a linear scale to avoid the plot going to infinity near 0.
:getter: Returns the current value of symLogScale
:setter: Sets the value of symLogScale
:type: tuple of bool, length 2
:raises ValueError: when setting an invalid value
.. note::
This is a simplified example of how SymLog works::
if x >= thresh:
x = Log10(x)
elif x =< thresh:
x = -Log10(Abs(x))
x = x
.. seealso::
+ :attr:`~wx.lib.plot.PolyPoints.symLogThresh`
+ See http://matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/symlog_demo.html
for an example.
.. attribute:: symLogThresh
.. warning::
Not yet implemented.
A tuple of ``(x_thresh, y_thresh)`` floats that define where the plot
changes to linear scale when using a symmetric log scale.
:getter: Returns the current value of symLogThresh
:setter: Sets the value of symLogThresh
:type: tuple of float, length 2
:raises ValueError: when setting an invalid value
.. note::
This is a simplified example of how SymLog works::
if x >= thresh:
x = Log10(x)
elif x =< thresh:
x = -Log10(Abs(x))
x = x
.. seealso::
+ :attr:`~wx.lib.plot.PolyPoints.symLogScale`
+ See http://matplotlib.org/examples/pylab_examples/symlog_demo.html
for an example.