.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
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Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. _wx.propgrid.CursorProperty:
|phoenix_title| **wx.propgrid.CursorProperty**
Property representing :ref:`wx.Cursor`.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|method_summary| Methods Summary
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:meth:`~wx.propgrid.CursorProperty.OnCustomPaint` Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if :meth:`wx.propgrid.PGProperty.OnMeasureImage` is overridden as well).
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.CursorProperty.OnMeasureImage` Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: wx.propgrid.CursorProperty(EnumProperty)
**Possible constructors**::
CursorProperty(label: str=PG_LABEL, name: str=PG_LABEL, value: int=0) ->
Property representing Cursor.
.. method:: __init__(self, label: str=PG_LABEL, name: str=PG_LABEL, value: int=0)
:param `label`:
:type `label`: string
:param `name`:
:type `name`: string
:param `value`:
:type `value`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: OnCustomPaint(self, dc : DC, rect : Rect, paintdata : PGPaintData)
Override to paint an image in front of the property value text or drop-down list item (but only if :meth:`wx.propgrid.PGProperty.OnMeasureImage` is overridden as well).
If property's :meth:`OnMeasureImage` returns size that has height != 0 but less than row height ( < 0 has special meanings), :ref:`wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid` calls this method to draw a custom image in a limited area in front of the editor control or value text/graphics, and if control has drop-down list, then the image is drawn there as well (even in the case :meth:`OnMeasureImage` returned higher height than row height).
``NOTE``: Following applies when :meth:`OnMeasureImage` returns a "flexible" height ( using ``PG_FLEXIBLE_SIZE(W,H)`` macro), which implies variable height items: If (rect.x+rect.width) is < 0, then this is a measure item call, which means that dc is invalid and only thing that should be done is to set paintdata.m_drawnHeight to the height of the image of item at index paintdata.m_choiceItem. This call may be done even as often as once every drop-down popup show.
:param `dc`: :ref:`wx.DC` to paint on.
:type `dc`: wx.DC
:param `rect`: Box reserved for custom graphics. Includes surrounding rectangle, if any. If x+width is < 0, then this is a measure item call (see above).
:type `rect`: wx.Rect
:param `paintdata`: :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGPaintData` structure with much useful data about painted item. ::
:type `paintdata`: wx.propgrid.PGPaintData
:rtype: `None`
.. note::
- You can actually exceed rect width, but if you do so then paintdata.m_drawnWidth must be set to the full width drawn in pixels.
- Due to technical reasons, rect's height will be default even if custom height was reported during measure call.
- Brush is guaranteed to be default background colour. It has been already used to clear the background of area being painted. It can be modified.
- Pen is guaranteed to be 1-wide 'black' (or whatever is the proper colour) pen for drawing framing rectangle. It can be changed as well.
.. seealso:: :meth:`~wx.propgrid.EnumProperty.ValueToString`
.. method:: OnMeasureImage(self, item : int)
Returns size of the custom painted image in front of property.
This method must be overridden to return non-default value if OnCustomPaint is to be called.
:param `item`: Normally -1, but can be an index to the property's list of items.
:type `item`: int
:rtype: `Size`
.. note::
- Default behaviour is to return :ref:`wx.Size`, which means no image.
- Default image width or height is indicated with dimension -1.
- You can also return ``PG_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE`` which equals DefaultSize.