.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
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Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. _wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog:
|phoenix_title| **wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog**
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|sub_classes| Known Subclasses
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetDialogValue` Return value modified by dialog.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetTextCtrlValidator` Override to return :ref:`wx.Validator` to be used with the :ref:`wx.TextCtrl` in dialog.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.IsModified` Returns ``True`` if array was actually modified.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.SetDialogValue` Set value modified by dialog.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.SetNewButtonText` Sets tooltip text for button allowing the user to enter new string.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|property_summary| Properties Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:attr:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.DialogValue` See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetDialogValue` and :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.SetDialogValue`
:attr:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.Selection` See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetSelection`
:attr:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.TextCtrlValidator` See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetTextCtrlValidator`
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog(Dialog)
**Possible constructors**::
PGArrayEditorDialog() -> None
.. method:: __init__(self)
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: ArrayGet(self, index : int)
:param `index`:
:type `index`: int
:rtype: `str`
.. method:: ArrayGetCount(self)
:rtype: `int`
.. method:: ArrayInsert(self, str : str, index : int)
:param `str`:
:type `str`: string
:param `index`:
:type `index`: int
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: ArrayRemoveAt(self, index : int)
:param `index`:
:type `index`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: ArraySet(self, index : int, str : str)
:param `index`:
:type `index`: int
:param `str`:
:type `str`: string
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: ArraySwap(self, first : int, second : int)
:param `first`:
:type `first`: int
:param `second`:
:type `second`: int
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: Create(self, parent : Window, message : str, caption : str, style: int=AEDIALOG_STYLE, pos: Point=DefaultPosition, sz: Size=DefaultSize)
:param `parent`:
:type `parent`: wx.Window
:param `message`:
:type `message`: string
:param `caption`:
:type `caption`: string
:param `style`:
:type `style`: long
:param `pos`:
:type `pos`: wx.Point
:param `sz`:
:type `sz`: wx.Size
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: EnableCustomNewAction(self)
:rtype: `None`
.. staticmethod:: GetClassDefaultAttributes(variant: WindowVariant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL)
:param `variant`:
:type `variant`: wx.WindowVariant
:rtype: `VisualAttributes`
.. method:: GetDialogValue(self)
Return value modified by dialog.
:rtype: `PGVariant`
.. method:: GetSelection(self)
:rtype: `int`
.. method:: GetTextCtrlValidator(self)
Override to return :ref:`wx.Validator` to be used with the :ref:`wx.TextCtrl` in dialog.
Note that the validator is used in the standard way, ie. it immediately prevents user from entering invalid input.
:rtype: `Validator`
.. note::
Dialog frees the validator.
.. method:: Init(self)
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: IsModified(self)
Returns ``True`` if array was actually modified.
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: OnCustomNewAction(self, resString : str)
:param `resString`:
:type `resString`: string
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: SetDialogValue(self, value : PGVariant)
Set value modified by dialog.
:param `value`:
:type `value`: PGVariant
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: SetNewButtonText(self, text : str)
Sets tooltip text for button allowing the user to enter new string.
:param `text`:
:type `text`: string
:rtype: `None`
.. versionadded:: 4.1/wxWidgets-3.1.3
.. attribute:: DialogValue
See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetDialogValue` and :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.SetDialogValue`
.. attribute:: Selection
See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetSelection`
.. attribute:: TextCtrlValidator
See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PGArrayEditorDialog.GetTextCtrlValidator`