.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
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Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. _wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator:
|phoenix_title| **wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator**
Allows populating :ref:`wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid` from arbitrary text source.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.__init__` Default constructor.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.Add` Appends a new property under bottommost parent.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.AddAttribute` Adds attribute to the bottommost property.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.AddChildren` Pushes property to the back of parent array (ie it becomes bottommost parent), and starts scanning/adding children for it.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.DoScanForChildren` Called once in AddChildren.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.GetCurParent` Returns id of parent property for which children can currently be added.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.ParseChoices` Parses strings of format "choice1"[=value1] ...
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.ProcessError` Implement in derived class to do custom process when an error occurs.
:meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.ToLongPCT` Like :meth:`String.ToLong` , except allows N% in addition of N.
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|property_summary| Properties Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:attr:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.CurParent` See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.GetCurParent`
:attr:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.State` See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.GetState` and :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.SetState`
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator(object)
**Possible constructors**::
PropertyGridPopulator() -> None
Allows populating PropertyGrid from arbitrary text source.
.. method:: __init__(self)
Default constructor.
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: Add(self, propClass : str, propLabel : str, propName : str, propValue : str, pChoices: Optional[PGChoices]=None)
Appends a new property under bottommost parent.
:param `propClass`: Property class as string.
:type `propClass`: string
:param `propLabel`: Property label.
:type `propLabel`: string
:param `propName`: Property name.
:type `propName`: string
:param `propValue`: Property value.
:type `propValue`: string
:param `pChoices`: Set of choices for the property (optional).
:type `pChoices`: wx.propgrid.PGChoices
:rtype: :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGProperty`
.. method:: AddAttribute(self, name : str, type : str, value : str)
Adds attribute to the bottommost property.
:param `name`: Attribute name.
:type `name`: string
:param `type`: Allowed values: ``"string"`` , (same as string), ``"int"`` , ``"bool"`` . Empty string means autodetect.
:type `type`: string
:param `value`: Attribute value.
:type `value`: string
:rtype: `bool`
.. method:: AddChildren(self, property : PGProperty)
Pushes property to the back of parent array (ie it becomes bottommost parent), and starts scanning/adding children for it.
When finished, parent array is returned to the original state.
:param `property`:
:type `property`: wx.propgrid.PGProperty
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: DoScanForChildren(self)
Called once in AddChildren.
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: GetCurParent(self)
Returns id of parent property for which children can currently be added.
:rtype: :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGProperty`
.. method:: GetState(self)
:rtype: :ref:`wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPageState`
.. method:: ParseChoices(self, choicesString : str, idString : str)
Parses strings of format "choice1"[=value1] ...
"choiceN"[=valueN] into :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGChoices`. Registers parsed result using idString (if not empty). Also, if choices with given id already registered, then don't parse but return those choices instead.
:param `choicesString`:
:type `choicesString`: string
:param `idString`:
:type `idString`: string
:rtype: :ref:`wx.propgrid.PGChoices`
.. method:: ProcessError(self, msg : str)
Implement in derived class to do custom process when an error occurs.
Default implementation uses LogError.
:param `msg`:
:type `msg`: string
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: SetGrid(self, pg : PropertyGrid)
:param `pg`:
:type `pg`: wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid
:rtype: `None`
.. method:: SetState(self, state : PropertyGridPageState)
:param `state`:
:type `state`: wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPageState
:rtype: `None`
.. staticmethod:: ToLongPCT(s : str, pval : int, max : int)
Like :meth:`String.ToLong` , except allows N% in addition of N.
:param `s`:
:type `s`: string
:param `pval`:
:type `pval`: long
:param `max`:
:type `max`: long
:rtype: `bool`
.. attribute:: CurParent
See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.GetCurParent`
.. attribute:: State
See :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.GetState` and :meth:`~wx.propgrid.PropertyGridPopulator.SetState`