.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated
tools, do not edit by hand.
Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.py.frame
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.py.frame.Frame:
|phoenix_title| **wx.py.frame.Frame**
Frame with standard menu items.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|sub_classes| Known Subclasses
:class:`wx.py.crust.CrustFrame`, :class:`wx.py.editor.EditorFrame`, :class:`wx.py.shell.ShellFrame`, :class:`wx.py.sliceshell.SlicesShellFrame`
|super_classes| Known Superclasses
|method_summary| Methods Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.__init__` Create a Frame instance.
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.LoadSettings` Called by derived classes to load settings specific to the Frame
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.OnAbout` Display an About window.
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.OnActivate` Event Handler for losing the focus of the Frame. Should close
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.OnClose` Event handler for closing.
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.OnHelp` Display a Help window.
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.OnIconize` Event handler for Iconize.
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.OnUpdateMenu` Update menu items based on current status and context.
:meth:`~wx.py.frame.Frame.SaveSettings` Called by derived classes to save Frame settings to a wx.Config object
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: Frame(wx.Frame)
Frame with standard menu items.
.. method:: __init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='Editor', pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,shellName='PyCrust')
Create a Frame instance.
.. method:: LoadSettings(self, config)
Called by derived classes to load settings specific to the Frame
.. method:: OnAbout(self, event)
Display an About window.
.. method:: OnActivate(self, event)
Event Handler for losing the focus of the Frame. Should close
Autocomplete listbox, if shown.
.. method:: OnAutoCompleteDouble(self, event)
.. method:: OnAutoCompleteMagic(self, event)
.. method:: OnAutoCompleteShow(self, event)
.. method:: OnAutoCompleteSingle(self, event)
.. method:: OnAutoSaveSettings(self, event)
.. method:: OnCallTipsInsert(self, event)
.. method:: OnCallTipsShow(self, event)
.. method:: OnClear(self, event)
.. method:: OnClearHistory(self, event)
.. method:: OnClose(self, event)
Event handler for closing.
.. method:: OnCopy(self, event)
.. method:: OnCopyPlus(self, event)
.. method:: OnCut(self, event)
.. method:: OnDelSettingsFile(self, event)
.. method:: OnEditStartupScript(self, event)
.. method:: OnEmptyBuffer(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableAutoSympy(self, event)
.. method:: OnEnableShellMode(self, event)
.. method:: OnExecStartupScript(self, event)
.. method:: OnExit(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileClose(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileNew(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileOpen(self, event)
.. method:: OnFilePrint(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileRevert(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileSave(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileSaveACopy(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileSaveAs(self, event)
.. method:: OnFileUpdateNamespace(self, event)
.. method:: OnFindClose(self, event)
.. method:: OnFindNext(self, event,backward=False)
.. method:: OnFindPrevious(self, event)
.. method:: OnFindText(self, event)
.. method:: OnHelp(self, event)
Display a Help window.
.. method:: OnHideFoldingMargin(self, event)
.. method:: OnIconize(self, event)
Event handler for Iconize.
.. method:: OnPaste(self, event)
.. method:: OnPastePlus(self, event)
.. method:: OnRedo(self, event)
.. method:: OnSaveHistory(self, event)
.. method:: OnSaveHistoryNow(self, event)
.. method:: OnSaveSettings(self, event)
.. method:: OnSelectAll(self, event)
.. method:: OnShowLineNumbers(self, event)
.. method:: OnShowPySlicesTutorial(self,event)
.. method:: OnToggleMaximize(self, event)
.. method:: OnToggleTools(self, event)
.. method:: OnUndo(self, event)
.. method:: OnUpdateMenu(self, event)
Update menu items based on current status and context.
.. method:: OnWrap(self, event)
.. method:: SaveSettings(self, config)
Called by derived classes to save Frame settings to a wx.Config object