.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. _wx.richtext.RichTextObject: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.richtext.RichTextObject** ========================================================================================================================================== This is the base for drawable rich text objects. .. seealso:: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl` | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class RichTextObject:
| |sub_classes| Known Subclasses ============================== :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextCompositeObject`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextImage`, :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextPlainText` | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.__init__` Constructor, taking an optional parent pointer. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.AcceptsFocus` Returns ``True`` if objects of this class can accept the focus, i.e. a call to SetFocusObject is possible. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.AdjustAttributes` Adjusts the attributes for virtual attribute provision, collapsed borders, etc. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.AdjustAvailableSpace` Returns the rectangle which the child has available to it given restrictions specified in the child attribute, e.g. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.CalculateRange` Calculates the range of the object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.CanEditProperties` Returns ``True`` if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.CanMerge` Returns ``True`` if this object can merge itself with the given one. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.CanSplit` Returns ``True`` if this object can potentially be split, by virtue of having different virtual attributes for individual sub-objects. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Clone` Clones the object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM` Convert units in pixels to tenths of a millimetre. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.ConvertTenthsMMToPixels` Converts units in tenths of a millimetre to device units. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Copy` Copies the object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.DeleteRange` Deletes the given range. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Dereference` Reference-counting allows us to use the same object in multiple lists (not yet used). :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.DoSplit` Do a split from `pos`, returning an object containing the second part, and setting the first part in 'this'. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Draw` Draw the item, within the given range. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.DrawBorder` Draws a border. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.DrawBoxAttributes` Draws the borders and background for the given rectangle and attributes. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.EditProperties` Edits the object's properties via a GUI. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.FindPosition` Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character position. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAbsolutePosition` Returns the absolute object position, by traversing up the child/parent hierarchy. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAttributes` Returns the object's attributes. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAvailableContentArea` Calculates the available content space in the given rectangle, given the margins, border and padding specified in the object's attributes. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBestSize` Returns the best size, i.e. the ideal starting size for this object irrespective of available space. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBottomMargin` Returns the bottom margin of the object, in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBoxRects` Returns the various rectangles of the box model in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBuffer` Returns the containing buffer. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetCachedSize` Gets the cached object size as calculated by Layout. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetContainer` Returns the top-level container of this object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetDescent` Returns the stored descent value. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetFloatDirection` Returns the floating direction. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetLeftMargin` Returns the left margin of the object, in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetMaxSize` Gets the maximum object size as calculated by Layout. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetMinSize` Gets the minimum object size as calculated by Layout. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetName` Returns the identifying name for this object from the properties, using the "name" key. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetNaturalSize` Gets the 'natural' size for an object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetOwnRange` Returns the object's own range (valid if top-level). :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetOwnRangeIfTopLevel` Returns the object's own range only if a top-level object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetParent` Returns a pointer to the parent object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetParentContainer` Returns the top-level container of this object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetPosition` Returns the object position in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetProperties` Returns the object's properties. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetPropertiesMenuLabel` Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRange` Returns the object's range. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRangeSize` Returns the object size for the given range. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRect` Returns the rectangle enclosing the object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRightMargin` Returns the right margin of the object, in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetSelection` Returns a selection object specifying the selections between start and end character positions. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetTextForRange` Returns any text in this object for the given range. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetTopMargin` Returns the top margin of the object, in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetTotalMargin` Returns the total margin for the object in pixels, taking into account margin, padding and border size. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetXMLNodeName` Returns the ``XML`` node name of this object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.HandlesChildSelections` Returns ``True`` if this object can handle the selections of its children, fOr example a table. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.HitTest` Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus information about position. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.ImportFromXML` Imports this object from ``XML``. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Invalidate` Invalidates the object at the given range. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsAtomic` Returns ``True`` if no user editing can be done inside the object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsComposite` Returns ``True`` if this object is composite. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsEmpty` Returns ``True`` if the object is empty. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsFloatable` Returns ``True`` if this class of object is floatable. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsFloating` Returns ``True`` if this object is currently floating. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsShown` Returns ``True`` if the object will be shown, ``False`` otherwise. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.IsTopLevel` Returns ``True`` if this object is top-level, i.e. contains its own paragraphs, such as a text box. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Layout` Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size constraint. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.LayoutToBestSize` Lays out the object first with a given amount of space, and then if no width was specified in attr, lays out the object again using the minimum size. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Merge` Returns ``True`` if this object merged itself with the given one. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Move` Moves the object recursively, by adding the offset from old to new. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Reference` Reference-counting allows us to use the same object in multiple lists (not yet used). :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetAttributes` Sets the object's attributes. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetCachedSize` Sets the cached object size as calculated by Layout. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetDescent` Sets the stored descent value. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMargins` Set the margin around the object, in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMaxSize` Sets the maximum object size as calculated by Layout. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMinSize` Sets the minimum object size as calculated by Layout. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetName` Sets the identifying name for this object as a property using the "name" key. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetOwnRange` Set the object's own range, for a top-level object with its own position space. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetParent` Sets the pointer to the parent object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetPosition` Sets the object position in pixels. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetProperties` Sets the object's properties. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetRange` Sets the object's range within its container. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Show` Call to show or hide this object. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Split` Returns the final object in the split objects if this object was split due to differences between sub-object virtual attributes. :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.UsesParagraphAttributes` Returns ``True`` if this object takes note of paragraph attributes (text and image objects don't). ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |property_summary| Properties Summary ===================================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.AbsolutePosition` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAbsolutePosition` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Attributes` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAttributes` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetAttributes` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.BestSize` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBestSize` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.BottomMargin` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBottomMargin` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Buffer` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBuffer` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.CachedSize` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetCachedSize` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetCachedSize` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Container` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetContainer` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Descent` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetDescent` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetDescent` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.FloatDirection` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetFloatDirection` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.LeftMargin` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetLeftMargin` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.MaxSize` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetMaxSize` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMaxSize` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.MinSize` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetMinSize` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMinSize` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Name` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetName` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetName` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.NaturalSize` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetNaturalSize` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.OwnRange` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetOwnRange` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetOwnRange` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.OwnRangeIfTopLevel` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetOwnRangeIfTopLevel` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Parent` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetParent` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetParent` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.ParentContainer` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetParentContainer` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Position` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetPosition` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetPosition` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Properties` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetProperties` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetProperties` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.PropertiesMenuLabel` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetPropertiesMenuLabel` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Range` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRange` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetRange` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.Rect` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRect` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.RightMargin` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRightMargin` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.TopMargin` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetTopMargin` :attr:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.XMLNodeName` See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetXMLNodeName` ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: wx.richtext.RichTextObject(Object) **Possible constructors**:: RichTextObject(parent: Optional[RichTextObject]=None) -> None This is the base for drawable rich text objects. .. method:: __init__(self, parent: Optional[RichTextObject]=None) Constructor, taking an optional parent pointer. :param `parent`: :type `parent`: wx.richtext.RichTextObject :rtype: `None` .. method:: AcceptsFocus(self) Returns ``True`` if objects of this class can accept the focus, i.e. a call to SetFocusObject is possible. For example, containers supporting text, such as a text box object, can accept the focus, but a table can't (set the focus to individual cells instead). :rtype: `bool` .. method:: AdjustAttributes(self, attr : RichTextAttr, context : RichTextDrawingContext) Adjusts the attributes for virtual attribute provision, collapsed borders, etc. :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :rtype: `bool` .. staticmethod:: AdjustAvailableSpace(dc : DC, buffer : RichTextBuffer, parentAttr : RichTextAttr, childAttr : RichTextAttr, availableParentSpace : Rect, availableContainerSpace : Rect) Returns the rectangle which the child has available to it given restrictions specified in the child attribute, e.g. 50% width of the parent, 400 pixels, x position 20% of the parent, etc. availableContainerSpace might be a parent that the cell has to compute its width relative to. E.g. a cell that's 50% of its parent. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `parentAttr`: :type `parentAttr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `childAttr`: :type `childAttr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `availableParentSpace`: :type `availableParentSpace`: wx.Rect :param `availableContainerSpace`: :type `availableContainerSpace`: wx.Rect :rtype: `Rect` .. method:: CalculateRange(self, start : int) Calculates the range of the object. By default, guess that the object is 1 unit long. :param `start`: :type `start`: long :rtype: `int` .. method:: CanEditProperties(self) Returns ``True`` if we can edit the object's properties via a GUI. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: CanMerge(self, object : RichTextObject, context : RichTextDrawingContext) Returns ``True`` if this object can merge itself with the given one. :param `object`: :type `object`: wx.richtext.RichTextObject :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :rtype: `bool` .. method:: CanSplit(self, context : RichTextDrawingContext) Returns ``True`` if this object can potentially be split, by virtue of having different virtual attributes for individual sub-objects. :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :rtype: `bool` .. method:: Clone(self) Clones the object. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextObject` .. method:: ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM(self, *args, **kw) Convert units in pixels to tenths of a millimetre. |overload| **Overloaded Implementations:** :html:`

` **ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM** `(self, dc : DC, pixels : int)` :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `pixels`: :type `pixels`: int :rtype: `int` :html:`

` **ConvertPixelsToTenthsMM** `(ppi : int, pixels : int, scale: float=1.0)` :param `ppi`: :type `ppi`: int :param `pixels`: :type `pixels`: int :param `scale`: :type `scale`: float :rtype: `int` :html:`

` .. method:: ConvertTenthsMMToPixels(self, *args, **kw) Converts units in tenths of a millimetre to device units. |overload| **Overloaded Implementations:** :html:`

` **ConvertTenthsMMToPixels** `(self, dc : DC, units : int)` :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `units`: :type `units`: int :rtype: `int` :html:`

` **ConvertTenthsMMToPixels** `(ppi : int, units : int, scale: float=1.0)` :param `ppi`: :type `ppi`: int :param `units`: :type `units`: int :param `scale`: :type `scale`: float :rtype: `int` :html:`

` .. method:: Copy(self, obj : RichTextObject) Copies the object. :param `obj`: :type `obj`: wx.richtext.RichTextObject :rtype: `None` .. method:: DeleteRange(self, range : RichTextRange) Deletes the given range. :param `range`: :type `range`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :rtype: `bool` .. method:: Dereference(self) Reference-counting allows us to use the same object in multiple lists (not yet used). :rtype: `None` .. method:: DoSplit(self, pos : int) Do a split from `pos`, returning an object containing the second part, and setting the first part in 'this'. :param `pos`: :type `pos`: long :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextObject` .. method:: Draw(self, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, range : RichTextRange, selection : RichTextSelection, rect : Rect, descent : int, style : int) Draw the item, within the given range. Some objects may ignore the range (for example paragraphs) while others must obey it (lines, to implement wrapping) :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `range`: :type `range`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :param `selection`: :type `selection`: wx.richtext.RichTextSelection :param `rect`: :type `rect`: wx.Rect :param `descent`: :type `descent`: int :param `style`: :type `style`: int :rtype: `bool` .. staticmethod:: DrawBorder(dc : DC, buffer : RichTextBuffer, attr : RichTextAttr, borders : TextAttrBorders, rect : Rect, flags: int=0) Draws a border. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `borders`: :type `borders`: wx.richtext.TextAttrBorders :param `rect`: :type `rect`: wx.Rect :param `flags`: :type `flags`: int :rtype: `bool` .. staticmethod:: DrawBoxAttributes(dc : DC, buffer : RichTextBuffer, attr : RichTextAttr, boxRect : Rect, flags: int=0, obj: Optional[RichTextObject]=None) Draws the borders and background for the given rectangle and attributes. `boxRect` is taken to be the outer margin box, not the box around the content. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `boxRect`: :type `boxRect`: wx.Rect :param `flags`: :type `flags`: int :param `obj`: :type `obj`: wx.richtext.RichTextObject :rtype: `bool` .. method:: EditProperties(self, parent : Window, buffer : RichTextBuffer) Edits the object's properties via a GUI. :param `parent`: :type `parent`: wx.Window :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :rtype: `bool` .. method:: FindPosition(self, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, index : int, forceLineStart : bool) Finds the absolute position and row height for the given character position. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `index`: :type `index`: long :param `forceLineStart`: :type `forceLineStart`: bool :rtype: :ref:`le[bool, wx.Point, int]` .. method:: GetAbsolutePosition(self) Returns the absolute object position, by traversing up the child/parent hierarchy. ``TODO``: may not be needed, if all object positions are in fact relative to the top of the coordinate space. :rtype: `Point` .. method:: GetAttributes(self) Returns the object's attributes. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextAttr` .. method:: GetAvailableContentArea(self, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, outerRect : Rect) Calculates the available content space in the given rectangle, given the margins, border and padding specified in the object's attributes. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `outerRect`: :type `outerRect`: wx.Rect :rtype: `Rect` .. method:: GetBestSize(self) Returns the best size, i.e. the ideal starting size for this object irrespective of available space. For a short text string, it will be the size that exactly encloses the text. For a longer string, it might use the parent width for example. :rtype: `Size` .. method:: GetBottomMargin(self) Returns the bottom margin of the object, in pixels. :rtype: `int` .. staticmethod:: GetBoxRects(dc : DC, buffer : RichTextBuffer, attr : RichTextAttr) Returns the various rectangles of the box model in pixels. You can either specify `contentRect` (inner) or `marginRect` (outer), and the other must be the default rectangle (no width or height). Note that the outline doesn't affect the position of the rectangle, it's drawn in whatever space is available. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :rtype: :ref:`le[bool, wx.Rect, wx.Rect, wx.Rect, wx.Rect, wx.Rect]` .. method:: GetBuffer(self) Returns the containing buffer. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer` .. method:: GetCachedSize(self) Gets the cached object size as calculated by Layout. :rtype: `Size` .. method:: GetContainer(self) Returns the top-level container of this object. May return itself if it's a container; use GetParentContainer to return a different container. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextParagraphLayoutBox` .. method:: GetDescent(self) Returns the stored descent value. :rtype: `int` .. method:: GetFloatDirection(self) Returns the floating direction. :rtype: `int` .. method:: GetLeftMargin(self) Returns the left margin of the object, in pixels. :rtype: `int` .. method:: GetMaxSize(self) Gets the maximum object size as calculated by Layout. This allows us to fit an object to its contents or allocate extra space if required. :rtype: `Size` .. method:: GetMinSize(self) Gets the minimum object size as calculated by Layout. This allows us to constrain an object to its absolute minimum size if necessary. :rtype: `Size` .. method:: GetName(self) Returns the identifying name for this object from the properties, using the "name" key. :rtype: `str` .. method:: GetNaturalSize(self) Gets the 'natural' size for an object. For an image, it would be the image size. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.TextAttrSize` .. method:: GetOwnRange(self) Returns the object's own range (valid if top-level). :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextRange` .. method:: GetOwnRangeIfTopLevel(self) Returns the object's own range only if a top-level object. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextRange` .. method:: GetParent(self) Returns a pointer to the parent object. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextObject` .. method:: GetParentContainer(self) Returns the top-level container of this object. Returns a different container than itself, unless there's no parent, in which case it will return ``None``. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextParagraphLayoutBox` .. method:: GetPosition(self) Returns the object position in pixels. :rtype: `Point` .. method:: GetProperties(self) Returns the object's properties. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextProperties` .. method:: GetPropertiesMenuLabel(self) Returns the label to be used for the properties context menu item. :rtype: `str` .. method:: GetRange(self) Returns the object's range. :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextRange` .. method:: GetRangeSize(self, range : RichTextRange, size : Size, descent : int, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, flags : int, position: Point=Point(0,0), parentSize: Size=DefaultSize, partialExtents: Optional[List[int]]=None) Returns the object size for the given range. Returns ``False`` if the range is invalid for this object. :param `range`: :type `range`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :param `size`: :type `size`: wx.Size :param `descent`: :type `descent`: int :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `flags`: :type `flags`: int :param `position`: :type `position`: wx.Point :param `parentSize`: :type `parentSize`: wx.Size :param `partialExtents`: :type `partialExtents`: list of integers :rtype: `bool` .. method:: GetRect(self) Returns the rectangle enclosing the object. :rtype: `Rect` .. method:: GetRightMargin(self) Returns the right margin of the object, in pixels. :rtype: `int` .. method:: GetSelection(self, start : int, end : int) Returns a selection object specifying the selections between start and end character positions. For example, a table would deduce what cells (of range length 1) are selected when dragging across the table. :param `start`: :type `start`: long :param `end`: :type `end`: long :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextSelection` .. method:: GetTextForRange(self, range : RichTextRange) Returns any text in this object for the given range. :param `range`: :type `range`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :rtype: `str` .. method:: GetTopMargin(self) Returns the top margin of the object, in pixels. :rtype: `int` .. staticmethod:: GetTotalMargin(dc : DC, buffer : RichTextBuffer, attr : RichTextAttr) Returns the total margin for the object in pixels, taking into account margin, padding and border size. :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :rtype: :ref:`Tuple[bool, int, int, int, int]` .. method:: GetXMLNodeName(self) Returns the ``XML`` node name of this object. This must be overridden for XmlNode-base ``XML`` export to work. :rtype: `str` .. method:: HandlesChildSelections(self) Returns ``True`` if this object can handle the selections of its children, fOr example a table. Required for composite selection handling to work. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: HitTest(self, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, pt : Point, flags: int=0) Hit-testing: returns a flag indicating hit test details, plus information about position. `contextObj` is returned to specify what object position is relevant to, since otherwise there's an ambiguity. @ obj might not be a child of `contextObj`, since we may be referring to the container itself if we have no hit on a child - for example if we click outside an object. The function puts the position in `textPosition` if one is found. `pt` is in logical units (a zero y position is at the beginning of the buffer). :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `pt`: :type `pt`: wx.Point :param `flags`: :type `flags`: int :rtype: :ref:`Tuple[int, int, RichTextObject, RichTextObject]` :returns: One of the :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextHitTestFlags` values. .. method:: ImportFromXML(self, buffer : RichTextBuffer, node : XmlNode, handler : RichTextXMLHandler, recurse : bool) Imports this object from ``XML``. :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `node`: :type `node`: wx.xml.XmlNode :param `handler`: :type `handler`: wx.richtext.RichTextXMLHandler :param `recurse`: :type `recurse`: bool :rtype: `bool` .. method:: Invalidate(self, invalidRange: RichTextRange=RICHTEXT_ALL) Invalidates the object at the given range. With no argument, invalidates the whole object. :param `invalidRange`: :type `invalidRange`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :rtype: `None` .. method:: IsAtomic(self) Returns ``True`` if no user editing can be done inside the object. This returns ``True`` for simple objects, ``False`` for most composite objects, but ``True`` for fields, which if composite, should not be user-edited. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: IsComposite(self) Returns ``True`` if this object is composite. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: IsEmpty(self) Returns ``True`` if the object is empty. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: IsFloatable(self) Returns ``True`` if this class of object is floatable. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: IsFloating(self) Returns ``True`` if this object is currently floating. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: IsShown(self) Returns ``True`` if the object will be shown, ``False`` otherwise. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: IsTopLevel(self) Returns ``True`` if this object is top-level, i.e. contains its own paragraphs, such as a text box. :rtype: `bool` .. method:: Layout(self, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, rect : Rect, parentRect : Rect, style : int) Lay the item out at the specified position with the given size constraint. Layout must set the cached size. `rect` is the available space for the object, and `parentRect` is the container that is used to determine a relative size or position (for example if a text box must be 50% of the parent text box). :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `rect`: :type `rect`: wx.Rect :param `parentRect`: :type `parentRect`: wx.Rect :param `style`: :type `style`: int :rtype: `bool` .. method:: LayoutToBestSize(self, dc : DC, context : RichTextDrawingContext, buffer : RichTextBuffer, parentAttr : RichTextAttr, attr : RichTextAttr, availableParentSpace : Rect, availableContainerSpace : Rect, style : int) Lays out the object first with a given amount of space, and then if no width was specified in attr, lays out the object again using the minimum size. `availableParentSpace` is the maximum space for the object, whereas `availableContainerSpace` is the container with which relative positions and sizes should be computed. For example, a text box whose space has already been constrained in a previous layout pass to `availableParentSpace`, but should have a width of 50% of `availableContainerSpace`. (If these two rects were the same, a 2nd pass could see the object getting too small.) :param `dc`: :type `dc`: wx.DC :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :param `buffer`: :type `buffer`: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer :param `parentAttr`: :type `parentAttr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :param `availableParentSpace`: :type `availableParentSpace`: wx.Rect :param `availableContainerSpace`: :type `availableContainerSpace`: wx.Rect :param `style`: :type `style`: int :rtype: `bool` .. method:: Merge(self, object : RichTextObject, context : RichTextDrawingContext) Returns ``True`` if this object merged itself with the given one. The calling code will then delete the given object. :param `object`: :type `object`: wx.richtext.RichTextObject :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :rtype: `bool` .. method:: Move(self, pt : Point) Moves the object recursively, by adding the offset from old to new. :param `pt`: :type `pt`: wx.Point :rtype: `None` .. method:: Reference(self) Reference-counting allows us to use the same object in multiple lists (not yet used). :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetAttributes(self, attr : RichTextAttr) Sets the object's attributes. :param `attr`: :type `attr`: wx.richtext.RichTextAttr :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetCachedSize(self, sz : Size) Sets the cached object size as calculated by Layout. :param `sz`: :type `sz`: wx.Size :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetDescent(self, descent : int) Sets the stored descent value. :param `descent`: :type `descent`: int :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetMargins(self, *args, **kw) Set the margin around the object, in pixels. |overload| **Overloaded Implementations:** :html:`

` **SetMargins** `(self, margin : int)` :param `margin`: :type `margin`: int :rtype: `None` :html:`

` **SetMargins** `(self, leftMargin : int, rightMargin : int, topMargin : int, bottomMargin : int)` :param `leftMargin`: :type `leftMargin`: int :param `rightMargin`: :type `rightMargin`: int :param `topMargin`: :type `topMargin`: int :param `bottomMargin`: :type `bottomMargin`: int :rtype: `None` :html:`

` .. method:: SetMaxSize(self, sz : Size) Sets the maximum object size as calculated by Layout. This allows us to fit an object to its contents or allocate extra space if required. :param `sz`: :type `sz`: wx.Size :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetMinSize(self, sz : Size) Sets the minimum object size as calculated by Layout. This allows us to constrain an object to its absolute minimum size if necessary. :param `sz`: :type `sz`: wx.Size :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetName(self, name : str) Sets the identifying name for this object as a property using the "name" key. :param `name`: :type `name`: string :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetOwnRange(self, range : RichTextRange) Set the object's own range, for a top-level object with its own position space. :param `range`: :type `range`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetParent(self, parent : RichTextObject) Sets the pointer to the parent object. :param `parent`: :type `parent`: wx.richtext.RichTextObject :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetPosition(self, pos : Point) Sets the object position in pixels. :param `pos`: :type `pos`: wx.Point :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetProperties(self, props : RichTextProperties) Sets the object's properties. :param `props`: :type `props`: wx.richtext.RichTextProperties :rtype: `None` .. method:: SetRange(self, range : RichTextRange) Sets the object's range within its container. :param `range`: :type `range`: wx.richtext.RichTextRange :rtype: `None` .. method:: Show(self, show : bool) Call to show or hide this object. This function does not cause the content to be laid out or redrawn. :param `show`: :type `show`: bool :rtype: `None` .. method:: Split(self, context : RichTextDrawingContext) Returns the final object in the split objects if this object was split due to differences between sub-object virtual attributes. Returns itself if it was not split. :param `context`: :type `context`: wx.richtext.RichTextDrawingContext :rtype: :ref:`wx.richtext.RichTextObject` .. method:: UsesParagraphAttributes(self) Returns ``True`` if this object takes note of paragraph attributes (text and image objects don't). :rtype: `bool` .. attribute:: AbsolutePosition See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAbsolutePosition` .. attribute:: Attributes See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetAttributes` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetAttributes` .. attribute:: BestSize See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBestSize` .. attribute:: BottomMargin See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBottomMargin` .. attribute:: Buffer See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetBuffer` .. attribute:: CachedSize See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetCachedSize` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetCachedSize` .. attribute:: Container See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetContainer` .. attribute:: Descent See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetDescent` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetDescent` .. attribute:: FloatDirection See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetFloatDirection` .. attribute:: LeftMargin See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetLeftMargin` .. attribute:: MaxSize See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetMaxSize` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMaxSize` .. attribute:: MinSize See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetMinSize` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetMinSize` .. attribute:: Name See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetName` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetName` .. attribute:: NaturalSize See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetNaturalSize` .. attribute:: OwnRange See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetOwnRange` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetOwnRange` .. attribute:: OwnRangeIfTopLevel See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetOwnRangeIfTopLevel` .. attribute:: Parent See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetParent` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetParent` .. attribute:: ParentContainer See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetParentContainer` .. attribute:: Position See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetPosition` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetPosition` .. attribute:: Properties See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetProperties` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetProperties` .. attribute:: PropertiesMenuLabel See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetPropertiesMenuLabel` .. attribute:: Range See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRange` and :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.SetRange` .. attribute:: Rect See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRect` .. attribute:: RightMargin See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetRightMargin` .. attribute:: TopMargin See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetTopMargin` .. attribute:: XMLNodeName See :meth:`~wx.richtext.RichTextObject.GetXMLNodeName`