.. wxPython Phoenix documentation
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Copyright: (c) 2011-2020 by Total Control Software
License: wxWindows License
.. include:: headings.inc
.. currentmodule:: wx.svg._nanosvg
.. highlight:: python
.. _wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape:
|phoenix_title| **wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape**
SVGshape is a set of attributes describing how to draw one shape in the SVG,
including stroke and fill styles, line styles, and paths. A collection of
SVGshapes is accessible from the ``shapes`` attribute of :class:`SVGimage`.
|class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy
.. raw:: html

Inheritance diagram for class
|property_summary| Properties Summary
================================================================================ ================================================================================
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.bounds` SVGshape.bounds: list
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.fill` SVGshape.fill: SVGpaint
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.fillRule` SVGshape.fillRule: SVGfillRule
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.flags` SVGshape.flags: int
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.id` Optional 'id' attr of the shape or its group
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.maxx` SVGshape.maxx: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.maxy` SVGshape.maxy: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.minx` SVGshape.minx: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.miny` SVGshape.miny: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.miterLimit` SVGshape.miterLimit: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.opacity` SVGshape.opacity: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.paths` A generator that iterates over the :class:`SVGpath` objects contained in the SVGshape
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.stroke` SVGshape.stroke: SVGpaint
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.strokeDashArray` SVGshape.strokeDashArray: list
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.strokeDashOffset` SVGshape.strokeDashOffset: float
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.strokeLineCap` SVGshape.strokeLineCap: SVGlineCap
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.strokeLineJoin` SVGshape.strokeLineJoin: SVGlineJoin
:attr:`~wx.svg._nanosvg.SVGshape.strokeWidth` SVGshape.strokeWidth: float
================================================================================ ================================================================================
|api| Class API
.. class:: SVGshape(object)
SVGshape is a set of attributes describing how to draw one shape in the SVG,
including stroke and fill styles, line styles, and paths. A collection of
SVGshapes is accessible from the ``shapes`` attribute of :class:`SVGimage`.
.. attribute:: bounds
SVGshape.bounds: list
Tight bounding box of the shape [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
.. attribute:: fill
SVGshape.fill: SVGpaint
:class:`SVGpaint` for the fill
.. attribute:: fillRule
SVGshape.fillRule: SVGfillRule
Fill rule
.. attribute:: flags
SVGshape.flags: int
Logical OR of SVG_FLAGS_* flags
.. attribute:: id
Optional 'id' attr of the shape or its group
.. attribute:: maxx
SVGshape.maxx: float
.. attribute:: maxy
SVGshape.maxy: float
.. attribute:: minx
SVGshape.minx: float
.. attribute:: miny
SVGshape.miny: float
.. attribute:: miterLimit
SVGshape.miterLimit: float
Miter limit
.. attribute:: opacity
SVGshape.opacity: float
Opacity of the shape
.. attribute:: paths
A generator that iterates over the :class:`SVGpath` objects contained in the SVGshape
.. attribute:: stroke
SVGshape.stroke: SVGpaint
:class:`SVGpaint` for the stroke
.. attribute:: strokeDashArray
SVGshape.strokeDashArray: list
Stroke dash array (scaled)
.. attribute:: strokeDashOffset
SVGshape.strokeDashOffset: float
Stroke dash offset (scaled)
.. attribute:: strokeLineCap
SVGshape.strokeLineCap: SVGlineCap
Stroke cap type
.. attribute:: strokeLineJoin
SVGshape.strokeLineJoin: SVGlineJoin
Stroke join type
.. attribute:: strokeWidth
SVGshape.strokeWidth: float
Stroke width (scaled)