A 3x2 matrix representing an affine 2D
Added in version 2.9.2.
Default constructor. |
Concatenate this matrix with another one. |
Get the component values of the matrix. |
Invert this matrix. |
Check that this matrix is identical with t. |
Check if this is the identity matrix. |
Add mirroring to this matrix. |
Add clockwise rotation to this matrix. |
Add scaling to this matrix. |
Set all elements of this matrix. |
Applies the linear part of this matrix, i.e. without translation. |
Applies this matrix to the point. |
Add the translation to this matrix. |
Check that this matrix differs from t. |
Check that this matrix is identical with t. |
Possible constructors:
AffineMatrix2D() -> None
A 3x2 matrix representing an affine 2D
Default constructor.
The matrix elements are initialize to the identity matrix.
Concatenate this matrix with another one.
The parameter matrix is the multiplicand.
t (wx.AffineMatrix2DBase) – The multiplicand.
# | t.m_11 t.m_12 0 | | m_11 m_12 0 |
# matrix' = | t.m_21 t.m_22 0 | x | m_21 m_22 0 |
# | t.m_tx t.m_ty 1 | | m_tx m_ty 1 |
Get the component values of the matrix.
Tuple[Matrix2D, Point2DDouble]
Invert this matrix.
If the matrix is not invertible, i.e. if its determinant is 0, returns False
and doesn’t modify it.
# | m_11 m_12 0 |
# Invert | m_21 m_22 0 |
# | m_tx m_ty 1 |
Check that this matrix is identical with t.
t (wx.AffineMatrix2DBase) – The matrix compared with this.
Check if this is the identity matrix.
Add mirroring to this matrix.
direction (int) – The direction(s) used for mirroring. One of wx.HORIZONTAL
or their combination wx.BOTH
Add clockwise rotation to this matrix.
cRadians (wx.Double) – Rotation angle in radians, clockwise.
# | cos sin 0 | | self.11 self.12 0 |
# matrix' = | -sin cos 0 | x | self.21 self.22 0 |
# | 0 0 1 | | self.tx self.ty 1 |
Add scaling to this matrix.
xScale (wx.Double) – Scaling in x direction.
yScale (wx.Double) – Scaling in y direction.
# | xScale 0 0 | | self.11 self.12 0 |
# matrix' = | 0 yScale 0 | x | self.21 self.22 0 |
# | 0 0 1 | | self.tx self.ty 1 |
Set all elements of this matrix.
mat2D (wx.Matrix2D) – The rotational components of the matrix (upper 2 x 2).
tr (Point2DDouble) – The translational components of the matrix.
TransformDistance (self, p : Point2DDouble)
Applies the linear part of this matrix, i.e. without translation.
p (Point2DDouble) – The source receiving the transformations.
# | self.11 self.12 0 |
# dist' = | src.self.x src._my 0 | x | self.21 self.22 0 |
# | self.tx self.ty 1 |
The source with the transformations applied.
TransformDistance (self, dx : float, dy : float)
dx (wx.Double)
dy (wx.Double)
Tuple[float, float]
TransformPoint (self, p : Point2DDouble)
Applies this matrix to the point.
p (Point2DDouble) – The point receiving the transformations.
# | self.11 self.12 0 |
# point' = | src.self.x src._my 1 | x | self.21 self.22 0 |
# | self.tx self.ty 1 |
The point with the transformations applied.
TransformPoint (self, x : float, y : float)
x (wx.Double)
y (wx.Double)
Tuple[float, float]
Add the translation to this matrix.
dx (wx.Double) – The translation in x direction.
dy (wx.Double) – The translation in y direction.
# | 1 0 0 | | self.11 self.12 0 |
# matrix' = | 0 1 0 | x | self.21 self.22 0 |
# | dx dy 1 | | self.tx self.ty 1 |
Check that this matrix differs from t.
t (wx.AffineMatrix2DBase) – The matrix compared with this.
Check that this matrix is identical with t.
t (wx.AffineMatrix2DBase) – The matrix compared with this.