phoenix_title wx.FileDialogStaticText

Represents a custom static text inside wx.FileDialog.

Objects of this class can only be created by wx.FileDialogCustomize.AddStaticText .

Objects of this class don’t generate any events.

See wx.FileDialogCustomControl for more information.

Added in version 4.1/wxWidgets-3.1.7.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FileDialogStaticText:

method_summary Methods Summary


Set the text shown in the label.

api Class API

class wx.FileDialogStaticText(FileDialogCustomControl)

Represents a custom static text inside FileDialog.


SetLabelText(self, text: str)

Set the text shown in the label.

Any ampersands in the text will be escaped, there is no need to do it manually, e.g. using wx.Control.EscapeMnemonics .


text (string)

Return type:
