PyEmbeddedImage is primarily intended to be used by code generated by img2py as a means of embedding image data in a python module so the image can be used at runtime without needing to access the image from an image file. This makes distributing icons and such that an application uses simpler since tools like py2exe will automatically bundle modules that are imported, and the application doesn’t have to worry about how to locate the image files on the user’s filesystem.
The class can also be used for image data that may be acquired
from some other source at runtime, such as over the network or
from a database. In this case pass False
for isBase64 (unless the
data actually is base64 encoded.) Any image type that
wx.Image can handle should be okay.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. |
PyEmbeddedImage is primarily intended to be used by code generated by img2py as a means of embedding image data in a python module so the image can be used at runtime without needing to access the image from an image file. This makes distributing icons and such that an application uses simpler since tools like py2exe will automatically bundle modules that are imported, and the application doesn’t have to worry about how to locate the image files on the user’s filesystem.
The class can also be used for image data that may be acquired
from some other source at runtime, such as over the network or
from a database. In this case pass False
for isBase64 (unless the
data actually is base64 encoded.) Any image type that
wx.Image can handle should be okay.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.