FancyText – methods for rendering XML specified text
This module exports four main methods:
def GetExtent(str, dc=None, enclose=True)
def GetFullExtent(str, dc=None, enclose=True)
def RenderToBitmap(str, background=None, enclose=True)
def RenderToDC(str, dc, x, y, enclose=True)
In all cases, ‘str’ is an XML string. Note that start and end tags are only required if enclose is set to False. In this case the text should be wrapped in FancyText tags.
In addition, the module exports one class:
class StaticFancyText(self, window, id, text, background, ...)
This class works similar to StaticText except it interprets its text as FancyText.
The text can support superscripts and subscripts, text in different sizes, colors, styles, weights and families. It also supports a limited set of symbols, currently times, infinity, angle as well as greek letters in both upper case (Alpha Beta… Omega) and lower case (alpha beta… omega).
>>> frame = wx.Frame(wx.NULL, -1, "FancyText demo", wx.DefaultPosition)
>>> sft = StaticFancyText(frame, -1, testText, wx.Brush("light grey", wx.BRUSHSTYLE_SOLID))
>>> frame.SetClientSize(sft.GetSize())
>>> didit = frame.Show()
>>> from guitest import PauseTests; PauseTests()
Return the extent of str |
Return str rendered on a minimum size bitmap |
Render str onto a wxDC at (x,y) |
Renders text to a wxPython device context DC. |
Class for rendering XML marked up text. |
Processes text as if rendering it, but just computes the size. |
StaticBitmap() -> None |
Return the extent of str
Return str rendered on a minimum size bitmap
Render str onto a wxDC at (x,y)