Draws a text object
The object is scaled when zoomed.
The hit-test is done on the entire text extent
As fonts are scaled, they do end up a little different, so you don’t get exactly the same picture as you scale up and down, but it’s pretty darn close.
On wxGTK1 on my Linux system, at least, using a font of over about 1000 pts. brings the system to a halt. It’s the Font Server using huge amounts of memory. My work around is to max the font size to 1000 points, so it won’t scale past there. GTK2 uses smarter font drawing, so that may not be an issue in future versions, so feel free to test. Another smarter way to do it would be to set a global zoom limit at that point.
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.TextObjectMixin
Default class constructor. |
Calculates the Bounding Box |
Calculates the positions of the words of text. |
Draws a text object
The object is scaled when zoomed.
The hit-test is done on the entire text extent
As fonts are scaled, they do end up a little different, so you don’t get exactly the same picture as you scale up and down, but it’s pretty darn close.
On wxGTK1 on my Linux system, at least, using a font of over about 1000 pts. brings the system to a halt. It’s the Font Server using huge amounts of memory. My work around is to max the font size to 1000 points, so it won’t scale past there. GTK2 uses smarter font drawing, so that may not be an issue in future versions, so feel free to test. Another smarter way to do it would be to set a global zoom limit at that point.
Default class constructor.
Point – takes a 2-tuple, or a (2,) NumPy array of point coordinates
Size (integer) – size in World units
Color – see SetColor
BackgroundColor – see SetColor
LineColor – see SetColor
LineWidth – see SetLineWidth
Width – width in pixels or None
, text will be wrapped to
the given width.
PadSize – padding in world units or None
, if specified it
will creating a space (margin) around the text
Family (FontFamily) – a valid wx.FontFamily
Style (FontStyle) – a valid wx.FontStyle
Weight (FontWeight) – a valid wx.FontWeight
Underlined (boolean) – underline the text
Position (string) –
a two character string indicating where in relation to the coordinates the box should be oriented
1st character |
Meaning |
top |
center |
bottom |
2nd character |
Meaning |
left |
center |
right |
Alignment – see SetLineWidth
Font (wx.Font) – alternatively a valid wx.Font
can be defined
in which case the above will be ignored
LineSpacing (float) – the line space to be used
InForeground (boolean) – should object be in foreground
Calculates the Bounding Box
Calculates the positions of the words of text.
This isn’t exact, as fonts don’t scale exactly. To help this, the position of each individual word is stored separately, so that the general layout stays the same in world coordinates, as the fonts scale.