A point DrawObject
The Bounding box is just the point, and doesn’t include the Diameter.
The HitLineWidth is used as diameter for the Hit Test.
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.DrawObject
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.XYObjectMixin
Default class constructor. |
Set the diameter of the object. |
A point DrawObject
The Bounding box is just the point, and doesn’t include the Diameter.
The HitLineWidth is used as diameter for the Hit Test.
Default class constructor.
XY – the (x, y) coordinate of the center of the point, or a 2-tuple, or a (2,) NumPy array
Color – see SetColor
Diameter (integer) – in screen points
InForeground – define if object is in foreground
Set the diameter of the object.
Diameter (integer) – in screen points