EvtHandler() -> None
A class that can handle events from the windowing system.
Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class
Methods Summary
Class API
class _DynamicSashWindowImpl(wx.EvtHandler)
EvtHandler() -> None
A class that can handle events from the windowing system.
__init__(self, window)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
AddChild(self, window)
ConstrainChildren(self, px, py)
DrawSash(self, x, y, mode)
DrawSash_overlay(self, x, y, mode)
FindParent(self, side)
FindScrollBar(self, child, vert)
FindUpperParent(self, sash_a, sash_b)
OnLeave(self, event)
OnMouseMove(self, event)
OnPaint(self, event)
OnPress(self, event)
OnRelease(self, event)
OnSize(self, event)
Resize(self, x, y)
Split(self, px, py)
Unify(self, panel)