phoenix_title wx.lib.itemspicker.IpSelectionChanged

PyCommandEvent(eventType: EventType=wxEVT_NULL, id: int=0) -> None

PyCommandEvent can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python. You should derive from this class instead of CommandEvent because this class is Python-aware and is able to transport its Python bits safely through the wxWidgets event system and have them still be there when the event handler is invoked. Note that since PyCommandEvent is taking care of preserving the extra attributes that have been set then you do not need to override the Clone method in your derived classes.

See also


class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class IpSelectionChanged:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


api Class API

class IpSelectionChanged(wx.PyCommandEvent)

PyCommandEvent(eventType: EventType=wxEVT_NULL, id: int=0) -> None

PyCommandEvent can be used as a base class for implementing custom event types in Python. You should derive from this class instead of CommandEvent because this class is Python-aware and is able to transport its Python bits safely through the wxWidgets event system and have them still be there when the event handler is invoked. Note that since PyCommandEvent is taking care of preserving the extra attributes that have been set then you do not need to override the Clone method in your derived classes.

See also



__init__(self, id, items, object=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
