This validator is used to transfer values to/from the widgets and attributes of the dialog.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. |
Clone() -> Object |
TransferFromWindow() -> bool |
TransferToWindow() -> bool |
Validate(parent : Window) -> bool |
This validator is used to transfer values to/from the widgets and attributes of the dialog.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Clone() -> Object
All validator classes must implement the Clone() function, which returns an identical copy of itself.
TransferFromWindow() -> bool
This overridable function is called when the value in the window must be transferred to the validator.
TransferToWindow() -> bool
This overridable function is called when the value associated with the validator must be transferred to the window.
Validate(parent : Window) -> bool
This overridable function is called when the value in the associated window must be validated.