Wraps a callable so it can be stored by weak reference and introspected to verify that it adheres to a topic’s MDS.
A Listener instance has the same hash value as the callable that it wraps.
Callables that have ‘argName=pub.AUTO_TOPIC’ as a kwarg will be given the Topic object for the message sent by sendMessage(). Such a Listener will have wantsTopicObjOnCall() True.
Callables that have a ‘**kargs’ argument will receive all message data, not just that for the topic they are subscribed to. Such a listener will have wantsAllMessageData() True.
Wraps a callable so it can be stored by weak reference and introspected to verify that it adheres to a topic’s MDS.
A Listener instance has the same hash value as the callable that it wraps.
Callables that have ‘argName=pub.AUTO_TOPIC’ as a kwarg will be given the Topic object for the message sent by sendMessage(). Such a Listener will have wantsTopicObjOnCall() True.
Callables that have a ‘**kargs’ argument will receive all message data, not just that for the topic they are subscribed to. Such a listener will have wantsAllMessageData() True.