The message data specification (MDS) for a topic. This consists of each argument name that listener should have in its call protocol, plus which ones are required in any sendMessage(), and a documentation string for each argument. This instance will be transformed into an ArgsInfo object which is basically a superset of that information, needed to ensure that the arguments specifications satisfy pubsub policies for chosen API version.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. |
Returns |
The message data specification (MDS) for a topic. This consists of each argument name that listener should have in its call protocol, plus which ones are required in any sendMessage(), and a documentation string for each argument. This instance will be transformed into an ArgsInfo object which is basically a superset of that information, needed to ensure that the arguments specifications satisfy pubsub policies for chosen API version.
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Returns True
if the definition is usable, false otherwise.