phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.core.topicdefnprovider.TopicTreeSpecPrinter

Helper class to print the topic tree using the Python class syntax. The “printout” can be sent to any file object (object that has a write() method). If printed to a module, the module can be imported and given to pub.addTopicDefnProvider(module, ‘module’). Importing the module also provides code completion of topic names (rootTopic.subTopic can be given to any pubsub function requiring a topic name).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class TopicTreeSpecPrinter:

method_summary Methods Summary


For formatting, can specify the width of output, the indent step, the


Each line that was sent to fileObj was saved in a list; returns a


Traverse each topic of topic tree, starting at topicObj, printing

api Class API

class TopicTreeSpecPrinter

Helper class to print the topic tree using the Python class syntax. The “printout” can be sent to any file object (object that has a write() method). If printed to a module, the module can be imported and given to pub.addTopicDefnProvider(module, ‘module’). Importing the module also provides code completion of topic names (rootTopic.subTopic can be given to any pubsub function requiring a topic name).


__init__(self, rootTopic=None, fileObj=None, width=70, indentStep=4, treeDoc=defaultTopicTreeSpecHeader, footer=defaultTopicTreeSpecFooter)

For formatting, can specify the width of output, the indent step, the header and footer to print to override defaults. The destination is fileObj; if none is given, then sys.stdout is used. If rootTopic is given, calls writeAll(rootTopic) at end of __init__.


Each line that was sent to fileObj was saved in a list; returns a string which is '\n'.join(list).

writeAll(self, topicObj)

Traverse each topic of topic tree, starting at topicObj, printing each topic definition as the tree gets traversed.