phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.setupkwargs

Setup pubsub for the kwargs message protocol. In a default installation this is the default protocol so this module is only needed if setupkargs utility functions are used, or in a custom installation where kwargs is not the default messaging protocol (such as in some versions of wxPython).

This module must be imported before the first from pubsub import pub statement in the application. Once :mod:pub has been imported, the messaging protocol cannot be changed (i.e., importing it after the first from pubsub import pub statement has undefined behavior).

function_summary Functions Summary


Utility function to assist migrating an application from using



Utility function to assist migrating an application from using the arg1 messaging protocol to using the kwargs protocol. Call this after having run and debugged your application with setuparg1.enforceArgName(commonName). See the migration docs for more details.