phoenix_title wx.lib.pubsub.utils.misc.StructMsg

This can be used to package message data. Each of the keyword args given at construction will be stored as a member of the ‘data’ member of instance. E.g. “m=Message2(a=1, b=’b’)” would succeed “assert” and “assert’b’”. However, use of Message2 makes your messaging code less documented and harder to debug.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class StructMsg:

method_summary Methods Summary


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

api Class API

class StructMsg

This can be used to package message data. Each of the keyword args given at construction will be stored as a member of the ‘data’ member of instance. E.g. “m=Message2(a=1, b=’b’)” would succeed “assert” and “assert’b’”. However, use of Message2 makes your messaging code less documented and harder to debug.


__init__(self, \*\*kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.