Reparents a given widget into a specialized panel that provides a resize handle for the widget.
Default class constructor. |
Add the child to manage. |
Adjust the size to the child. |
Adjust to given size. |
Return the best size. |
Enable resizing. |
Get the managed child. |
Is resize enabled? |
Handles the |
Handles the |
Handles the |
Handles the |
Handles the |
Handles the |
Remove the managed child. |
Set the colors of handles. |
Set the dimensions of handles. |
Set a managed child. |
Get the managed child. |
Reparents a given widget into a specialized panel that provides a resize handle for the widget.
Default class constructor.
args – arguments will be passed on to the wx.Panel
kw – key words will be passed on to the wx.Panel
Add the child to manage.
child – the child to manage.
Adjust the size to the child.
Adjust to given size.
size – size to adjust to.
Return the best size.
Enable resizing.
enable (boolean) – enable or disable resizing.
Get the managed child.
Is resize enabled?
Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN
event for ResizeWidget
evt – a MouseEvent
event to be processed.
Handles the wx.EVT_LEFT_UP
event for ResizeWidget
evt – a MouseEvent
event to be processed.
Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW
event for ResizeWidget
evt – a MouseEvent
event to be processed.
Handles the wx.EVT_MOTION
event for ResizeWidget
evt – a MouseEvent
event to be processed.
Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT
event for ResizeWidget
evt – a PaintEvent
event to be processed.
Handles the wx.EVT_SIZE
event for ResizeWidget
evt – a wx.SizeEvent
event to be processed.
Remove the managed child.
child – child to remove.
Set the colors of handles.
pen – the pen color
fill – the fill color
fill2 – the secondary fill color
Set the dimensions of handles.
thickness – the thickness of the handles
length – the length of the handles
Set a managed child.
child – child to manage
Get the managed child.