This class can be used to have multiple buttons in a property editor.
You will need to create a new property editor class, override CreateControls, and have it return wx.propgrid.PGMultiButton instance in wx.propgrid.PGWindowList.SetSecondary
For instance, here we add three buttons to a TextCtrl editor:
class SampleMultiButtonEditor(wx.propgrid.PGTextCtrlEditor):
def GetName(self):
return "SampleMultiButtonEditor"
def CreateControls(self, propGrid, aProperty, pos, size):
# Create and populate buttons-subwindow
buttons = wx.propgrid.PGMultiButton(propGrid, size)
# Add two regular buttons
# Add a bitmap button
# Create the 'primary' editor control (textctrl in self case)
wndList = wx.propgrid.PGTextCtrlEditor.CreateControls(
propGrid, aProperty, pos, buttons.GetPrimarySize())
# Finally, move buttons-subwindow to correct position and make sure
# returned wx.propgrid.PGWindowList contains our custom button list.
buttons.Finalize(propGrid, pos)
return wndList
def OnEvent(self, propGrid, aProperty, ctrl, event):
if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_BUTTON:
buttons = propGrid.GetEditorControlSecondary()
if event.GetId() == buttons.GetButtonId(0):
# Do something when the first button is pressed
# Return true if the action modified the value in editor.
if event.GetId() == buttons.GetButtonId(1):
# Do something when the second button is pressed
if event.GetId() == buttons.GetButtonId(2):
# Do something when the third button is pressed
return wx.propgrid.PGTextCtrlEditor.OnEvent(propGrid, aProperty, ctrl, event)
Further to use this editor, code like this can be used:
# Register editor class - needs only to be called once
multiButtonEditor = SampleMultiButtonEditor()
# Insert the property that will have multiple buttons
wx.propgrid.LongStringProperty("MultipleButtons", wx.propgrid.PG_LABEL))
# Change property to use editor created in the previous code segment
propGrid.SetPropertyEditor("MultipleButtons", multiButtonEditor)
Constructor. |
Adds new button, with given label. |
A simple wrapper around the PGMultiButton.Add method, for backwards compatibility. |
A simple wrapper around the PGMultiButton.Add method, for backwards compatibility. |
Call this in CreateControls() of your custom editor class after all buttons have been added. |
Returns pointer to one of the buttons. |
Returns Id of one of the buttons. |
Returns number of buttons. |
Returns size of primary editor control, as appropriately reduced by number of buttons present. |
See |
See |
Possible constructors:
PGMultiButton(pg : PropertyGrid, sz : Size) -> None
This class can be used to have multiple buttons in a property editor.
sz (wx.Size)
Add (self, label : str, id: int=-2)
Adds new button, with given label.
label (string)
id (int)
Add (self, bitmap : BitmapBundle, id: int=-2)
Adds new bitmap button.
bitmap (wx.BitmapBundle)
id (int)
A simple wrapper around the PGMultiButton.Add method, for backwards compatibility.
A simple wrapper around the PGMultiButton.Add method, for backwards compatibility.
Call this in CreateControls() of your custom editor class after all buttons have been added.
propGrid (wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid) – wx.propgrid.PropertyGrid given in CreateControls().
Returns pointer to one of the buttons.
i (int)
Returns Id of one of the buttons.
This is utility function to be used in event handlers.
i (int)
variant (WindowVariant)
Returns number of buttons.
Returns size of primary editor control, as appropriately reduced by number of buttons present.
See GetPrimarySize