An SVGpath is essentially just a collection of bezier curves, defined by a set of floating point coordinates. A collection of SVGpaths is accessible from the paths attribute of SVGshape.
SVGpath.bounds: list |
SVGpath.closed: bool |
SVGpath.maxx: float |
SVGpath.maxy: float |
SVGpath.minx: float |
SVGpath.miny: float |
SVGpath.npts: int |
SVGpath.points: list |
SVGpath.pts: list |
An SVGpath is essentially just a collection of bezier curves, defined by a set of floating point coordinates. A collection of SVGpaths is accessible from the paths attribute of SVGshape.
SVGpath.bounds: list Tight bounding box of the shape [minx,miny,maxx,maxy]
SVGpath.closed: bool Flag indicating if shapes should be treated as closed
SVGpath.maxx: float
SVGpath.maxy: float
SVGpath.minx: float
SVGpath.miny: float
SVGpath.npts: int Number of points
SVGpath.points: list
Cubic bezier points: (x0,y0), [(cpx1,cpx1), (cpx2,cpy2), (x1,y1)], … The return value is a list of tuples, each containing an x-y pair.
SVGpath.pts: list
Cubic bezier points: x0,y0, [cpx1,cpx1,cpx2,cpy2,x1,y1], … The return value is a list of floats.