The customtreectrl
module contains the CustomTreeCtrl
which mimics the behaviour of TreeCtrl
, with some more enhancements.
is a class that mimics the behaviour of TreeCtrl
, with almost the
same base functionalities plus some more enhancements. This class does not rely on
the native control, as it is a full owner-drawn tree control.
Apart of the base functionalities of CustomTreeCtrl
(described below), in addition
to the standard TreeCtrl
behaviour this class supports:
CheckBox-type items: checkboxes are easy to handle, just selected or unselected state with no particular issues in handling the item’s children;
Added support for 3-state value checkbox items;
RadioButton-type items: since I elected to put radiobuttons in CustomTreeCtrl
, I
needed some way to handle them, that made sense. So, I used the following approach:
All peer-nodes that are radiobuttons will be mutually exclusive. In other words, only one of a set of radiobuttons that share a common parent can be checked at once. If a radiobutton node becomes checked, then all of its peer radiobuttons must be unchecked.
If a radiobutton node becomes unchecked, then all of its child nodes will become inactive.
Hyperlink-type items: they look like an hyperlink, with the proper mouse cursor on hovering;
Multiline text items (note: to add a newline character in a multiline item, press
+ Enter
as the Enter
key alone is consumed by CustomTreeCtrl
to finish
the editing and Ctrl
+ Enter
is consumed by the platform for tab navigation);
Enabling/disabling items (together with their plain or grayed out icons);
Whatever non-toplevel widget can be attached next to an item;
Possibility to horizontally align the widgets attached to tree items on the same tree level.
Possibility to align the widgets attached to tree items to the rightmost edge of CustomTreeCtrl
Default selection style, gradient (horizontal/vertical) selection style and Windows Vista selection style;
Customized drag and drop images built on the fly;
Setting the CustomTreeCtrl
item buttons to a personalized imagelist;
Setting the CustomTreeCtrl
check/radio item icons to a personalized imagelist;
Changing the style of the lines that connect the items (in terms of wx.Pen
Using an image as a CustomTreeCtrl
background (currently only in “tile” mode);
Adding images to any item in the leftmost area of the CustomTreeCtrl
client window.
Separator-type items which are simply visual indicators that are meant to set apart or divide tree items, with the following caveats:
Separator items should not have children, labels, data or an associated window;
You can change the color of individual separators by using SetItemTextColour
, or you can use
to change the color of all separators. The default separator colour
is that returned by SystemSettings.GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT);
Separators can be selected just like any other tree item;
Separators cannot have text;
Separators cannot have children;
Separators cannot be edited via the EVT_TREE_BEGIN_LABEL_EDIT
Ellipsization of long items when the horizontal space is low, via the TR_ELLIPSIZE_LONG_ITEMS
style (New in version 0.9.3);
Tooltips on long items when the horizontal space is low, via the TR_TOOLTIP_ON_LONG_ITEMS
style (New in version 0.9.3).
Hiding items
And a lot more. Check the demo for an almost complete review of the functionalities.
supports all the TreeCtrl
styles, except:
: supports for this style is on the todo list (am I sure of this?).
Plus it has 3 more styles to handle checkbox-type items:
: automatically checks/unchecks the item children;
: automatically checks/unchecks the item parent;
: automatically toggles the item children.
And two styles you can use to force the horizontal alignment of all the widgets attached to the tree items:
: aligns horizontally the windows belonging to the item on the
same tree level.
: aligns to the rightmost position the windows belonging
to the item on the same tree level.
And two styles related to long items (with a lot of text in them), which can be ellipsized and/or highlighted with a tooltip:
: ellipsizes long items when the horizontal space for
is low (New in version 0.9.3);
: shows tooltips on long items when the horizontal space
for CustomTreeCtrl
is low (New in version 0.9.3);.
All the methods available in TreeCtrl
are also available in CustomTreeCtrl
Usage example:
import wx
import wx.lib.agw.customtreectrl as CT
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "CustomTreeCtrl Demo")
# Create a CustomTreeCtrl instance
custom_tree = CT.CustomTreeCtrl(self, agwStyle=wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE)
# Add a root node to it
root = custom_tree.AddRoot("The Root Item")
# Create an image list to add icons next to an item
il = wx.ImageList(16, 16)
fldridx = il.Add(wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_FOLDER, wx.ART_OTHER, (16, 16)))
fldropenidx = il.Add(wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN, wx.ART_OTHER, (16, 16)))
fileidx = il.Add(wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_NORMAL_FILE, wx.ART_OTHER, (16, 16)))
custom_tree.SetItemImage(root, fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
custom_tree.SetItemImage(root, fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
for x in range(15):
child = custom_tree.AppendItem(root, "Item %d" % x)
custom_tree.SetItemImage(child, fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
custom_tree.SetItemImage(child, fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
for y in range(5):
last = custom_tree.AppendItem(child, "item %d-%s" % (x, chr(ord("a")+y)))
custom_tree.SetItemImage(last, fldridx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
custom_tree.SetItemImage(last, fldropenidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Expanded)
for z in range(5):
item = custom_tree.AppendItem(last, "item %d-%s-%d" % (x, chr(ord("a")+y), z))
custom_tree.SetItemImage(item, fileidx, wx.TreeItemIcon_Normal)
# our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual
app = wx.App(0)
frame = MyFrame(None)
All the events supported by TreeCtrl
are also available in CustomTreeCtrl
, with
a few exceptions:
(don’t know what this means);
(don’t know what this means);
(not implemented, but easy to add);
(no need for that, look at the checking events below).
Plus, CustomTreeCtrl
supports the events related to the checkbutton-type items:
: an item is being checked;
: an item has been checked.
And to hyperlink-type items:
: an hyperlink item has been clicked (this event is sent
A simplified drag and drop is available and can be initiated by calling
events. When the event handler returns, a wx.DragImage
of the item will be
generated and the user can drag it to other items within the tree. When the
user releases the drag button a EVT_TREE_END_DRAG
event will be sent and
can be called to find out which item the drag ended at.
This simplified method is best when only a single item at a time needs to
be dragged (i.e. TR_MULTIPLE
not set) and only for dragging items within
the tree control.
Alternately, the normal wxPython drag/drop can be invoked in the EVT_TREE_BEGIN_DRAG
handler in which a wx.DropSource
must be generated, followed by a call
to DoDragDrop
which will block until the drag is finished.
This is much more flexible but more complicated to implement.
The class value _DRAG_TIMER_TICKS controls how long the mouse must linger before the drag can start. It defaults to 250 milliseconds which can be far too long for today’s quick ‘swiping’ generation. It can be lowered for a more responsive drag.
has been tested on the following platforms:Windows (Windows XP);
GTK (Thanks to Michele Petrazzo);
Mac OS (Thanks to John Jackson).
This class takes in a regular wxPython style
and an extended agwStyle
The style
can be used with normal wxPython styles such as wx.WANTS_CHARS
while the agwStyle
specifies the behavior of the tree itself.
It supports the following agwStyle
Window agwStyle Flags |
Hex Value |
Description |
varies |
The set of flags that are closest to the defaults for the native control for a particular toolkit. Should always be used. |
0x0 |
For convenience to document that no buttons are to be drawn. |
0x0 |
For convenience to document that only one item may be selected at a time. Selecting another item causes the current selection, if any, to be deselected. This is the default. |
0x1 |
Use this style to show + and - buttons to the left of parent items. |
0x4 |
Use this style to hide vertical level connectors. |
0x8 |
Use this style to show lines between root nodes. Only applicable if |
0x10 |
Use old Mac-twist style buttons. |
0x20 |
Use this style to allow a range of items to be selected. If a second range is selected, the current range, if any, is deselected. |
0x80 |
Use this style to cause row heights to be just big enough to fit the content. If not set, all rows use the largest row height. The default is that this flag is unset. |
0x200 |
Use this style if you wish the user to be able to edit labels in the tree control. |
0x400 |
Use this style to draw a contrasting border between displayed rows. |
0x800 |
Use this style to suppress the display of the root node, effectively causing the first-level nodes to appear as a series of root nodes. |
0x2000 |
Use this style to have the background colour and the selection highlight extend over the entire horizontal row of the tree control window. |
Styles from customtreectrl: |
0x40 |
Use this style to allow disjoint items to be selected. (Only partially implemented; may not work in all cases). |
0x4000 |
Only meaningful for checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked its children are checked/unchecked as well. |
0x8000 |
Only meaningful for checkbox-type items: when a parent item is checked/unchecked its children are toggled accordingly. |
0x10000 |
Only meaningful for checkbox-type items: when a child item is checked/unchecked its parent item is checked/unchecked as well. |
0x20000 |
Flag used to align windows (in items with windows) at the same horizontal position. |
0x40000 |
Flag used to align windows (in items with windows) to the rightmost edge of |
0x80000 |
Flag used to ellipsize long items when the horizontal space for |
0x100000 |
Flag used to show tooltips on long items when the horizontal space for |
style should be set if item rows might
not all be the same height. This can happen if certain rows have a larger font
size, multi-line text, or windows added to them. This style will automatically
adjust each item’s height to be just big enough to show its contents.
is not set, adding a new item with
multi-line text or with a window specified will throw an exception. However the
tree won’t prevent you from adding multiline text with SetItemText
or assigning a window with SetItemWindow
to an
existing item. It’s generally a bad idea to do either of these without this
style as it will result in an ugly tree. By default the wx.TR_HAS_VARIABLE_LINE_HEIGHT
is not set. This means that all item rows will use the same height. This is the
height of the largest item in the tree. If an item with a larger height is
added or revealed, ALL row heights will increase to this larger size. The
larger row height remains persistent even if the large items are hidden or
deleted. You must call CalculateLineHeight
to reset the row height. This somewhat bizarre behavior is why the wx.TR_HAS_VARIABLE_LINE_HEIGHT
style is almost always used.
This class processes the following events:
Event Name |
Description |
Begin dragging with the left mouse button. |
Begin editing a label. This can be prevented by calling |
Begin dragging with the right mouse button. |
Delete an item. |
End dragging with the left or right mouse button. |
End editing a label. This can be prevented by calling |
Request information from the application (not implemented in |
The item has been activated, i.e. chosen by double clicking it with mouse or from keyboard. |
A checkbox or radiobox type item has been checked. |
A checkbox or radiobox type item is being checked. |
The item has been collapsed. |
The item is being collapsed. This can be prevented by calling |
The item has been expanded. |
The item is being expanded. This can be prevented by calling |
The opportunity to set the item tooltip is being given to the application (call |
An hyperlink type item has been clicked. |
The context menu for the selected item has been requested, either by a right click or by using the menu key. |
The user has clicked the item with the middle mouse button (not implemented in |
The user has clicked the item with the right mouse button. |
A key has been pressed. |
Selection has changed. |
Selection is changing. This can be prevented by calling |
Information is being supplied to the application (not implemented in |
The state image has been clicked (not implemented in |
is distributed under the wxPython license.
Latest Revision: Helio Guilherme @ 09 Aug 2018, 21.35 GMT
Version 2.7
Chops the input text if its size does not fit in max_size, by cutting the |
Draw the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item. |
Translate the key or mouse event flag to the type of selection we |
Creates a disabled-looking bitmap starting from the input one. |
This class handles the creation of a custom image in case of item drag |
This class holds all the information and methods for every single item in |
Timer used for enabling in-place edit. |
Timer used to clear the |
Creates the item attributes (text colour, background colour and font). |
Control used for in-place edit. |
Chops the input text if its size does not fit in max_size, by cutting the text and adding ellipsis at the end.
dc – a wx.DC
device context;
text – the text to chop;
max_size – the maximum size in which the text should fit.
This method is used exclusively when CustomTreeCtrl
style set.
Added in version 0.9.3.
Draw the expanded/collapsed icon for a tree control item.
This is a simple replacement of RendererNative.DrawTreeItemButton
This method is never used in wxPython versions newer than
Translate the key or mouse event flag to the type of selection we are dealing with.
style (integer) – the main CustomTreeCtrl
window style flag;
shiftDown (bool) – True
if the Shift
key is pressed, False
ctrlDown (bool) – True
if the Ctrl
key is pressed, False
A 3-elements tuple, with the following elements:
is_multiple: True
if CustomTreeCtrl
flag set, False
extended_select: True
if the Shift
key is pressend and if CustomTreeCtrl
has the
flag set, False
unselect_others: True
if the Ctrl
key is pressend and if CustomTreeCtrl
has the
flag set, False