Draws a set of points
If Points is a sequence of tuples: Points[N][0] is the x-coordinate of point N and Points[N][1] is the y-coordinate.
If Points is a NumPy array: Points[N,0] is the x-coordinate of point N and Points[N,1] is the y-coordinate for arrays.
Each point will be drawn the same color and Diameter. The Diameter is in screen pixels, not world coordinates.
The hit-test code does not distinguish between the points, you will only know that one of the points got hit, not which one. You can use PointSet.FindClosestPoint(WorldPoint) to find out which one
In the case of points, the HitLineWidth is used as diameter.
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.DrawObject
, wx.lib.floatcanvas.FCObjects.PointsObjectMixin
Default class constructor. |
Returns the index of the closest point to the point, XY, given |
Sets the diameter |
Draws a set of points
If Points is a sequence of tuples: Points[N][0] is the x-coordinate of point N and Points[N][1] is the y-coordinate.
If Points is a NumPy array: Points[N,0] is the x-coordinate of point N and Points[N,1] is the y-coordinate for arrays.
Each point will be drawn the same color and Diameter. The Diameter is in screen pixels, not world coordinates.
The hit-test code does not distinguish between the points, you will only know that one of the points got hit, not which one. You can use PointSet.FindClosestPoint(WorldPoint) to find out which one
In the case of points, the HitLineWidth is used as diameter.
Default class constructor.
Points – takes a 2-tuple, or a (2,) NumPy array of point coordinates
Color – see SetColor
Diameter (integer) – the points diameter
InForeground (boolean) – should object be in foreground
Returns the index of the closest point to the point, XY, given in World coordinates. It’s essentially random which you get if there are more than one that are the same.
This can be used to figure out which point got hit in a mouse binding callback, for instance. It’s a lot faster that using a lot of separate points.
XY – the (x,y) coordinates of the point to look for, it takes a 2-tuple or (2,) numpy array in World coordinates
Sets the diameter
Diameter (integer) – the points diameter